Sofa is a toilet

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Jan 15, 2014
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Hi guys,

Right. My rabbit has been neutered, but he keeps peeing on the sofa. Today he was outside in his run all day, then the minute I bring him inside he does a MASSIVE wee on the sofa 😡 I wonder if anyone knows why?? Also I try to get him out of his run and he just lunges at me and won't let me get him for ages. Anything I can try??! He's fine n loves being inside with us, although you wouldn't think it because of the lunges and running away. 😞 help me.... Hope all your bunnies are good xxImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1400364972.431382.jpg
Even if he's been neutered for ages, peeing on soft things like sofas and beds is pretty common for all bunnies, especially if they don't get to go up there much. Mine pee on my bed whenever they can sneak up on it.
My buns finally let me catch them without a chase this year (they are 5 now). In the past I had to either corner them or use a fishing net to catch them after turnout. They also pee on carpet, fabrics, pillows, or the cat beds if they have a chance, even though they are litter trained. My boys are not neutered.

My friend used a loud clapper/clacker noise maker thing to stop her bun from peeing outside the litter box. Although it was typically a little to late to stop the mess from happening. But he would stop and run to the litter box when he got busted.
Oh, Boomer is really good at using the litter tray... but he also likes to pee on the sofa. Hence why he is banned from being on the sofas and beds and cushions and expensive rugs! he just cant help himself.
It's normal. they like peeing on soft things.... unfortunately !

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