Sock Hangers

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Christina - Moderator
Jul 21, 2006
Reaction score
Central Coast, CA
So I just got myself some new knee socks andtights from target for school, and, naturally, they come on thoselittle sock hangers. Our cat used to love these, so I wentahead and put them in Fiona's pen area. We have it set up soshe can run around in the back of this room wehn I open the cage door,without getting out.

I hung them from the side of the pen fence thing, and linked themtogether. She seems to enjoy grabbing them, moving them,throwing them, etc.

So, now my question. Is this an okay toy for her?She dosn't seem to be interested in chewing through them, just inmoving them around. Has anyone else ever given these to theirrabbit?

If you don't know what I'm talking about, they look kind of like this,but mine are slighly different shapes, some of mine are made for twopairs of socks.


Mine look more like the bottom, the two hooks make it so I can linkthem together in kind of a chain. Mine are also thickerplastic.

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