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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
$950 for 10 hours worth of work and to be seen for a millisecond..

Totally worth it..


The front in the crowd scene.. you seriously need a magnifying glass...the only reason I know who I am is because.. well. I was there..LOL
I highly reccomend signing on with a local casting group, some are even on yahoo. You can get upwards of $1000 a day for 10 hours of work, or even the audience of Judge Alex or Judge Judy get $350 an episode.. Popeye's commercials pay $650.. it's an excellent way to pick up some cash and feel

I also do voiceover work for some Japanese cartoons.... nice NICE money..and the work is relatively easy to find..
Yep, everytime you see a Verizon commercial, all the extras get $950 and the principals get like $2500.

If it's a more well known bit actor, like the sherriff from Jericho, they command more, but it is not discussed.
DAMN! I was hoping you were the bee person LOL!

That's some good money for hanging out isn't it?
I am confused. Is the one on youtube the one you were in? The one where they are getting eatin by mosquitos? How can that have just aired when it has been on the air in CT for about a month or two now? They play it all the time. Sorry, just wondering.

Maybe you should get more money because it is playing up here a lot more...LOL!

yeah i have seen this one for a while now, and now that i know it is your commer cial i will never see it on tv agai n,lol
I've been seeing that commercial about every 5 minutes here in Ohio. And I love it. $950 for 10 hours, huh? I seriously need a new job.
I just hadn't bothered to mention it till just now.. mostly because with Jarred's death and my potential to explode with my gas leak.. it just really wasn't that important. I also did not think to look on YouTube for it till last night. Forgive me Starlight for not putting it on here in a more timely fashion.

Furthermore, when you do a commercial you get a flat rate for perpetuity.. meaning you get paid once.. not royalties every time it airs...

My oldest kid did a Gap commercial once.. he got paid VERY WELL... kid actors are very well compensated.

I wonder if its on youtube.. lemmie go look
As a kid and young girl I did some model work for the Dillards stores. I don't know how widespread the stores are, we lived in Texas at the time.

Very, very neat work. :)

Unfortunantly, my TV sports rabbit ears and barely gets reception that way (even with aluminum foil) and I rarely get videos from youtube (or anywhere online) to work because of my dial-up...

I'm so far behind the times, but I have a really COOL go-phone that my dogs have chewed up (the cool part is with the way it LOOKS, it actually works).


That is so cool! My BF did some TV/Movie extra work and when we get the copy - we were using the "slo-mo" feature to find him - lol! Alot of people here in LA make an excellent living doing commercials (some get 6 figures by the end of the year)..

Good for you!

PS: You seem to be quite the diverse/interesting person and definetly need to post more and/or write a book as I suggested many moons ago.. :)