So we have a new kid goat, (photos) and 3 new lambs.....

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Bo B Bunny

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
, Indiana, USA
My son has picked 3 lambs from the guy we helped catch a lamb last year that caused me all sorts of medical problems (poison ivy, cellulitis, etc., ) and today we went over to work with Dakota. Across from where he is there is a big auction place..... We went to look for a call duck..... we have one - need a second one.

We went through the barn and I was in tears..... LITERALLY...... from all the mini-rex babies..... some only 3 or 4 weeks old......... Lexi had to drag me out of there!

The auction started and we went in to see if we could bid on a couple of TINY little baby goats, but then this little white fella was looking at me..... he was the only one left after several were bid on........ and I got him. $22.50. He's already spoiled.

He just woke up and stood up in his little bin and looked at Lexi and made his little goatie sound...... "Pick me up!" My mom gave him his own little fleece blankie - he's snuggly in it......

I got this little goat for a 4H project with Catalina....... I Figured we could sell him at the fair. BWHAHAHAHAHAHA! ......... STay away from my little goat! :XVisions of the showbunny, Bo are coming into my head.....
:yeahthat:no pics!!!! i went thru the preparation ritual for dealing with cute pics for nothing:cry2 dont keep the cuteness to yourself! we here in devon need something to take our minds off the lousy bank holiday weather:D
I'll post pics today sometime. I have to work in a little while. The little guy is so sweet! I fell asleep with him on the couch last night! LOL! He LOVES being held and kept warm.... Oh yeah..... what was that about him going to fair and being sold?????? NOT HAPPENING!!! Lexi doesn't like goats...... she was fighting for him last night too! hehehe......
Oh, pictures are a must!!!!!

I am not a goat person but they are cute - does yours have floppy ears? (Those are my favorite kind.)

And I love sheep - would love to see pics of the lambs!

(I owe pics today as I am off - got to hunt down my camera to get horse pics and Juno's indoor adventure pictures. She has made friends with the cats...)

I have always wanted a goat but never had a place to keep one (or two or three) lol

I think they are so cute and they have such personality :biggrin2:
Yay for goats!
I came to college with no livestock experience whatsoever, but, well I'm an Animal Science major, so now I know a good bit about dairies and all sorts of livestock.
I joined the block and bridle club here on campus and really enjoy that. Our student run livestock show was supposed to be tomorrow. I signed up to show dairy goats and I've been working with my goat, well, not mine obviously, they're on loan from a local dairy, but all the swine, sheep, cattle & horses belong to Cornell.
Anyway, I now know a lot more than I ever anticipated about showing goats, dairy goats at least.
If he's all white, is he a Saanen?
Ours were Alpines.
Ya we need pictures :)Aside from Bulrush our baby goat I posted pictures of and our lamb Lavender, we've had two more kids, and one coming probably tonight. I'm doing hourly checks in the barn right now. We got a girl and boy out of Butternut. We love our goaties. It's too hard to part with them - especially goats because they bond to you so fast - and are generally so friendly. Our's dropped to the ground and were ready to play and socialize!
missyscove wrote:
Yay for goats!
I came to college with no livestock experience whatsoever, but, well I'm an Animal Science major, so now I know a good bit about dairies and all sorts of livestock.
I joined the block and bridle club here on campus and really enjoy that. Our student run livestock show was supposed to be tomorrow. I signed up to show dairy goats and I've been working with my goat, well, not mine obviously, they're on loan from a local dairy, but all the swine, sheep, cattle & horses belong to Cornell.
Anyway, I now know a lot more than I ever anticipated about showing goats, dairy goats at least.
If he's all white, is he a Saanen?
Ours were Alpines.

YES! he's half Saanen and half boer is what our vet thinks! We took him in to see him for shots and stuff today. He's very young, and it's going to be hard to keep him alive from what he told us. He's honest - and he's got goats and sheep (he's well known for them!) But he gave us Vitamin B shots to give him and I got him eating today! Now if I can get him to Poop! he pees well. He thinks I am his mama, and Lexi is his part of the flock or something! LOL!

I much prefer goats to sheep, btw. They have more personality and interact better IMO. I'll try to get photos of the little sheeps this week. They will be staying at a friend's barn this year which is a blessing!

I'm working on a Bronco picture....... the baby goat. All the sheep are named after famous stars/singers..... we've had Usher, Eminem, Montel,Queen Latifa, Beyonce, Michelle, Vanilla Ice, Omar (Epps), Tamieka, and Layla Ali.

The new lambs are all boys and I think they are being named Flo Rida, T.I. and Justin Timberlake LOL!

The goats arebeing named after automobiles...... Catalina and now Bronco.

The ducks will be named after NCIS (the tv show) and so far wehave Denozzo.

I LOVEEEEEEEE Runner ducks OMG! they are so cool!

Denozzo is a gray call duck (looks like a mallard). He's adorable and has 3 little butt curls LOL!

Here are some pics of Bronco - they aren't very good cause I took them in the dark coming home in the car. One is of him and my daughter - he stuck his nose in the camera when she was trying to get a pic of them...... the next one is just a shot I got.

The shadowing is also white but I think he might get some creamy color on his head.



Very cute baby! I can understand why he's going to be a member of the family... looks like we can just reach out and hug him!

Now we need some lamb pictures...I go by a farm on in my old town and they always have ewes and lambs out grazing....

Will do!
Yes, we can reach out and hug him cause he thinks he needs to be in our laps constantly LOL!
I have fallen asleep with him in the recliner several times.... I'm trying to get him to poop and eat more so I am feeding him about every 2 hours - overnight it was 4. He's eating a little better thank God!

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