So Thrilled!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2004
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Well I've been outside with the bunnies for the last few hours and I was amazed to see a change in Zoey overnight.

I have been unable to touch her since her spay on April 19. She has been a pain to catch. None the less, I bonded her to Mocha and it didn't help any because she didn't need me anymore. I had resigned myself to the fact that she was never going to be a people bunny and I would have to settle for her just being curiousand untouchable.

Well today not only did she let me touch her, she forced me to! She would put her nose right to my hand and head bunt me until I scratched her. And most people may not be thrilled about being bit but I am because she bit me for ignoring her! Not only was I able to touch her head, but she let me stroke her all over which was a very rare occurance even before her spay.

Even though Mocha recieved her thanks for megrooming her, I still am happier than can be that she let me touch her. I'm sure some of you think I'm nuts but if you had known Zoey like I do, you would be amazed that she let me pet her.

I'm not sure but I'm almost curious if bringing little Romeo here has made her jealous and that's why she's suddenly changed. I mean, he is the reasonZoey chinned me! Not only that, it seems that the little tiffs he's created inMocha and Zoey'sbond have actually now strengthened their bond because now they are close to inseprable which they were not before.

I can't explain how thrilled and in love with Zoey I am... Yeah I know, I'm nuts -- bunny nuts!
Yay MBB, thats great news!

My Mr. Tumnus is a little stinker about letting me pet him, so I know how exciting it is when they actually come to you for attention.

I think that handsome little lop you're boarding must be helping things...zoey is probably feeling a bit threatened :)


See! I can touch her!




That's great to hear :)
Thanks guys, even though you probably all think I'm a little over excitable but to me this is like getting kisses from a rabbit that has held out for 5 years.

Now imagine how I'll react if I ever do get kisses from her. ;)

Oh yeah, excuse the fact that the corner of her eyes are looking bald. Mocha has been over grooming her eyes again. :disgust:The hair is growing back.
Our Bummy was the same way. When we bonded him to the girls he just didn't seem to have time/interest in his mom anymore!:( I have noticed in the last couple of weeks he has seemed to mature and settle down alot...I even get nose kisses now!:D There really isn't anyway to describe the feeling! You know you're loved but the kisses and pets mean soooo much more!:D
Well I'm not sure what happened to my Zoey but I think someone switched her for an identical looking bunny because there is no way this little lop is my Zoey!

She's gone from a little 'can't touch me' diva to a 'pet me now or else' little princess.:thudShe got so mad at me today when I was petting Mocha and ignoring her! :bunnybutt:She BIT me for it! I also got a ton of tooth purrs out of her and she kept running over to get some attention. She still prefers me to pet her head but she will let me touch her body as well. She really loves me petting from the tip of her nose to the top of her head, if I use just 2 fingers and apply a medium pressure, she is all tooth purrs. :bunnyheartShe isn't comfortable letting me touch her when she's all stretched out but she will let me approach her which is also a huge improvement. I have no idea why she suddenly wants my attention so much but I'm not complaining.

On the down side, Mocha is so mad at me! He got so jealous because he is used to getting all my attention since Zoey never used to want it from me before. He kept biting my wrist and hand because I was petting Zoey and not him. :disgust:I just can't win -- my spoiled bunnies!

P.S.- Like my new avatar?!
OOO! I'm so glad! :D Can I ask how you picked up Zoey before? Pebbles is getting very hard to pick up, everytime I try to she kicks out or wiggles in a certain way and it's impossible!

I love your new avatar! :D
Zoey hates being caught, but she is easy to pick up once I have caught her. I basically put one hand over her head to cover her eyes (also keeps her from jumping forwards)and I normally grab her ears between my thumb and pointer finger just because it helps keep her from attampting to jump out of my hands. With the other hand, I scoop her up in the middle of her body and then I just pin her against me and keep covering her eyes.

But as I said, once I have caught her, she is pretty easy to hold.
How long does it take for their hormones to entirely level out after they are spayed? I remember reading somewhere that it takes the males a while to calm down, but I didn't know about the females.

Speaking from personal experience...
... I know if my estrogen is out of whack, I either want people to leave me the heck alone, or I need a hug right now! Maybe that's how Zoey has been feeling!

LOL, she was spayed 4 months ago! I doubt she'd go 4 months in that 'leave me alone' stage and then have a sudden mood swing.

I really wonder if bringing Romeo home for that week helped. Heck I should have borrowed Pebbles months ago! LOL.

But really, I'm just loving having her like this again. I mean I spent 5 months working to get her to be a friendly rabbit with me (and was she ever) and then she reverted back to how she was when I got her (anti-social) and now after another 4 months, she is finally showing improvement again.

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