To update the thread...and ya'll are gonna have to put up with my disgusting mooshy self..
The kids are takin it dandy.. they're all apples about it.. Blake's only complaint is *he tawks all funny like* But he took Blake for a haircut and some britches today, and they apparently had a discussion.. some *secret squirrel bidness* that im not privy to, and they are both all aces now.
I debated sharing my news with the forum, because I didn't want you all to think I was jumping from the frying pan into the fire.. I have thought long and hard on this, sent him home a couple of times..but the fact of the matter is.. it's not like I am takin up and marrying some dude I met a month ago and know nothing about.. 12 years here.. which I will get into that a little later on.
A flurry of emails in the interim have been exchanged between us while he's working.. apparently I am somewhat intimidating, and it's easier to say what he's got to say to me in email.. I think.. for me.. the one that got me .. that really made me snap that he is NOT Rick (aside from Lisa, Jarred's mom,physically slapping me and leaving a mark on me.. and Peg verbally slapping me over the phone) was this one..
" have the ability to put me through the ringer, and stomp on me, completely destroy me, and I don't know if I can go down that road with you again.
I just laidit all out for you. You can either use this info against me, or you can use it for us, it's your choice. I hate doing this by email, but you are not the easiest person in the world to have a deep discussion with. You might get up, slam the door and tell me to go'eff myself again."
That email freaked me out.. and I almost...ALMOST.. went AWOL.. MIA....but we ended up having a literal all night tear filled heart to heart.
HisBlue Eyes and Muscles have always been my Amazon Kryptonite.
So the real story on the ring..
12 years ago Rick and I were Kaput.. yeah again.. he'd ran off with this lil senorita..a literal senorita, and we were in the 90 day waiting period for the divorce when all this happened.... but we were over long before that. I met Squidz through some sorority sisters of mine, he was an older brother of a sister from Australia, and he had just gotten out of the service and was studying Vet Meds..actually the first time I met him he was, the time we got together he was done and doing an internship. I had already been married a long time and had Blake,Long story short..we were pretty inseperable, and made LT plans once my divorce was final. We made a choice to go ahead and try to have a girlbaby (thats what Blake use to call havin a little sister.. a girlbaby). We actually were having a boybaby.. anyway, just health issues, ya'll know mine, and my med history, I delivered at 4 months. Aside from being a huge tragedy.. I was pretty immature, and filled with grief and anger.. and I did the stupidest and most immature thing ever.. I wouldnt return his calls, talk to him, even look at him.. He tried, for like a year, seriously.
Rick got dumped..I was miserable for more than one reason.. and rather than talking to Rusty .. I just thought I could work things out with Rick, and forget about Rusty.
Really stupid I know..
He bought the ring and was gonna ask on a the next Friday night at dinner... and all of this happened on a Tuesday. I never knew the ring existed till yesterday. He still had the reciept.
The plus is this.. I did get Christian outta the deal.. my lil rockin headbangin bratbaby.. whom I wouldnt trade for nothin..
But I missed so much time with this man..
So.. I have this song.. we have this song.. Ya'll ALL have to put up with my *gag* disgusting lovey dovey-ness...