So now what do I do?

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Active Member
Aug 18, 2009
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Ferndale, Florida, USA
Well I'm not sure where even to put this but if this is wrong please move it.

I just got a sweet adorable baby dwarf yesterday. On the way home she started sneezing and by the end of the night she was weezing badly. After a few suggestions from this forum I moved her out of our air conditioned house to the screened in porch. It's warm and humid (85 degrees) but she has stopped weezing. She's eating great, her poops are fine but she's much more lethargic outside. (The heat I'm guessing) when inside she was energetic and curious even with the sniffles. Here's the questions

1. Should I try moving her 1 more time back into the house but in a warmer room? I hate the thought of leaving her out. She's in a completely covered, screened outdoor room and is safe but still.....I want my baby indoors. We are having a lot of thunder storms this time of year and I'm worried she'll be scared.

2. I know I should let her settle before handling her too much, how long is long enough. She does not seem upset about my presence. Actually when I open her door she comes over to say hi and enjoys a little petting.


I raced out and bought her all kinds of dark leafy greens (Bok Choy,Kale, Collard, mustard and turnip greens) thinking it would be healthy for her only to read she can't have any of that really until she is older? (I also have a skunk and a bearded dragon so between the 2 they'll eat it so it's not a waste plus I've heard it's very healthy for me too)

Thanks for your help. I just want my little girl to be healthy.
How old is your baby?

In my opinion, sneezing and wheezing is not a good sign. I would take your bunny to a vet for a check up. If you don't have a bunny vet, RO can help with that. :)

.... :biggrin2: April

It could have been triggered by the stress of her coming home with you and when she got used to it, she was less stressed and better.

This isn't to say there isn't something wrong with her, because bunnies can have underlying ailments that will only come to the surface when they're stressed by their environment or other ailments.

I'd definitely try her in the house again, but also keep an eye on everything that makes her sneezing and wheezing worse so you can determine the triggers.

sas :bunnydance:
OK....I moved her into the house but in a warmer room. No drafts, very quiet. She seems pretty peacefull. Her weezing has stopped completely and I don't see any discharge from the nose. She has sneezed once or twice in the last few hours but again, HUGE difference. Her appetite is GREAT. She'll eat me out of house and home at this rate.
stina3246 wrote:
OK....I moved her into the house but in a warmer room. No drafts, very quiet. She seems pretty peacefull. Her weezing has stopped completely and I don't see any discharge from the nose. She has sneezed once or twice in the last few hours but again, HUGE difference. Her appetite is GREAT. She'll eat me out of house and home at this rate.
atta boy,,they are easier to diagnose-healthier (inside buns-anyway)-might consider a exotic specialist-(now)-and get her in for a physical-exam--keep an eye on her behavior,,ie sneezing,potty habits,activity level---oh,by the way welcome to the wounderful world of lagamorphs,,they won,t bring you your slippers--but they will love you to death,,sincerely-james waller:p
1. Should I try moving her 1 more time back into the house but in a warmer room? I hate the thought of leaving her out. She's in a completely covered, screened outdoor room and is safe but still.....I want my baby indoors. We are having a lot of thunder storms this time of year and I'm worried she'll be scared.
I posted my thoughts on this in your other thread. It's great you have moved her back inside and she is doing much better. She now does need time to settle because she has been moved loads now. If her sneezing inside continues then she does need to see a vet just to rule out an upper respiratory infection.

2. I know I should let her settle before handling her too much, how long is long enough. She does not seem upset about my presence. Actually when I open her door she comes over to say hi and enjoys a little petting.
It might be worth reading Bonding with your Bunny. You ideally want her to remain in control, but also understand that you're nice and friendly and good to be around. If she is one who is happy with being handled then I would give her 3 days minimum to settle after all the upheavel, but in the meantime you can do other things with her, just not get her out the cage (although allowing her to walk out can be ok).


I raced out and bought her all kinds of dark leafy greens (Bok Choy,Kale, Collard, mustard and turnip greens) thinking it would be healthy for her only to read she can't have any of that really until she is older? (I also have a skunk and a bearded dragon so between the 2 they'll eat it so it's not a waste plus I've heard it's very healthy for me too)
What diet is she currently on? If she is not used to greens then she shouldn't be introduced to them for a couple of months. When it comes to introducing them only introduce one type at once (say for a week) and monitor. Give a small bit (like a mouthful or so), and watch for 24 hours to see if there are any problems (like diarrhoea, excess cecals, no poos, lathergic, any behaviour change, etc), and if there are not, gradually increase the amount each time watching for any behaviour change and signs it is causing problems for her.
Well, I've had her in the house now for 1 day. She is SUPER active and curious. I just opened the cage door for her and she came out on her own. Races around the room, hops side ways comes over and checks me out, licks my face, head butts me, jumps up on my back. I figured this was OK 'cause it's her idea. She is ultra friendly. She did great all night last night and all day today. No sneezing but tonight I got home from work and let her out and she is sneezing again. Her activity level and appitite are still great. It's not even remotely cold in the room. I'll need to find a good bunny vet. The one I contacted who is supposed to be a bunny vet instructed me to just return her and find myself a healthy bunny. There is NO WAY I'm gonna bring her back. If she IS sick I know she won't get the care she'll need. Is there anyone in central Florida who can suggest a good reasonalble bunny vet. I live in Clermont.
Aw, she sounds adorable :D And you're right, because it is her idea and she is in control its all absolutely fine.

Have you checked out our rabbit savvy vet forum? That might be a good place to start while looking for a better vet :)

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