So it's bad when they growl at you?

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Sep 22, 2006
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Thunder doesn't like when I clean her cage. Iuse a piece of cardboard to sweep the poo that she does on her matsometimes. She has never liked this and sometimes goes after thecardboard. Today she growled at me. I didn't even know they could!
ilovetegocalderon wrote:
She growled at you? I've never heard a bunny growlbut I've heard them do plenty of grunting when they didn't like what Iwas doing.
It may have been a grunt. I couldnt' tell.
Yes, they do growl. Angel growls at meif I try to wipe her cage floor, she growls at the cat when the catmesses w/ her. It's in between a growl and a grunt.

Just means they're unhappy w/ what you're doing, or what another animal is doing to them. ;)
Bud growled at me once when I was trying to herd him back into his cage. He loves his play time lol.
Fey growled at me for the first few dayswhenever I touched her water bowl or hay because she hadn't had thembefore and loved them. She sounded like Marge Simpson.:D

Her sister Sprite still growls and grunts when I try to touchher. Also, Mocha used to growl at me before she was spayed ifshe was in her cage while my hands were too.

Two suggestions: let her out of the cage while you'recleaning it (cage territoriality is pretty common) and spay her if sheisn't already.
Berri used to growl at me a lot when I wascleaning out her house, but she doesn't really any more. She stillgrowls at my mum when she cleans out the house though!:D

I was so shocked when I first heard it! Growling is just not something you expect from a rabbit.:shock:
naturestee wrote:
Fey growled at me for the first few days whenever I touchedher water bowl or hay because she hadn't had them before and lovedthem. She sounded like Marge Simpson.:D

Haha!!! Maomaochiu growled at me and my bf one time couple ofdays after we got him. We were trying to figure out EXACTLYif he is a boy or girl by checking on his top secret area, andhe let out this growl that just made both of us laugh sooooobad! even the look on his face turned serious as if he weresaying "don't mess with me!" but you know what, comes tothink of it now, he did sound like Marge Simpson too :D! that was the only time he growled ever!
I'm sure eventually I'll hear a growl out ofFlower...but so far, it's only honk-grunts when we do things like movesomething in her cage, or when we were expanding on her cage, and hadto kinda push her big ol' white booty into the carrier, so we could dothings without having her get hurt from being in the way.Boy, did she honk at my husband like no tomorrow when he was trying toget her to move!! Hehe!! We couldn't's just such an odd sound to hear from a bunny, and it waseven funnier coming from Flower, since she's normally so calm andhappy! :)

I think bunny sounds are so adorable...I can't help but giggle...evenmoreso when I realize they're trying to be all tough and hot-stuff, andwe just think it's cute and have to giggle! :D

Poor little's hard to take something so adorable seriously!!

:bunnydance: I mean, look at that cute can you get?!
I guess I'm pretty fortunate in the fact that Romeo has never grunted or growled at me! I'd honestly be scared.
Nibbles' grr-honks (happy/excited) are prettyindistinguishable from her grunts - to my ears, anyhow. She alsowhimpers at times, as well as making little whiffly sounds through hernose when she's happy.

I love having a vocal bunny!
Layla is very vocal. She grunts when she isrunning around and binkying. She also growls if anyone comes near herwhen she is eating her veggies.