Seriously? You have SO. MANY. BREEDS. Already, to work with! It's definitely better to work with one or two breeds at one time if you are at all serious about producing decent show quality rabbits. I won't chew you out about it, but seriously, I've been at that point, and it's not a good place to be. I had 3 champagnes, a netherland, a holland, a himalayan and 2 mini satins. All aquired because I thought they were cool breeds. I know from experience that if you go about getting a ton of different breeds that no one in the rabbit community will respect your rabbitry and it will be impossibly difficult to get out of that kind of hole.
Again, I won't chew you out. But I think you should maybe consider limiting yourself to a few breeds.
/mini rant
Velveteens are pretty cool rabbits and make excellent pets. A friend in town has them and they are really neat.