do you give two cage-free bunnies water *without* using a bowl?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2004
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Because I'd really appreciate some ideas.

I've just discovered that Peanut, who has been fine with the bowl forthe past several months, has started dunking her face in the water,soaking her chin and left cheek while simultaneously aspirating liquid.

Now she's making infrequent horking and chortling noises. I'm not superconcerned at this point (she's always had noisy sinuses) but I need todo something about the water asap. Possible upper respiratory tractinfections and fungal growth on her skin would not so good.


Good thing she's cute, right?


Gracie often uses the cats catit has a bowl where the water runs to but you could coverthat and they can lick the water off the dome
Could you put something in the bowl so she can't get her face in a plastic ball?

Maybe a smaller bowl...again.... so she can't get her face in it?

Will she drink from a bottle? Several of my buns tilt their head to the side to drink from their bottles.
A few NIC grids could make aplace to hang the bottle from.

Or maybe one of those poultry watering reservoirs that fits on a 2liter bottle? There was someone that posted that idea a while back.I'll see if I can find a pic or the thread.
I'm not sure thata smaller bowl would work. They're using a bowl with an attached jugbecause I can't keep it filled enough when I'm gone for long hours. Shedoes drink from a water bottle, I guess I'll have to see if I can rigone up (without it, you know, looking completely stupid ;))
Looking stupid for her sake seems fine until you can find a better solution...
I use NIC cubes, and make a 2 panel "L" shape(bottom and 1 side). I usually use it to attach a hay rackfor portability around my house, but I imagine you can fashionsomething similar using NIC panels to make something that will hold awater bottle...

The L shape might not be strong enough to hold a full water bottle, butsome other shape.. maybe a 1X2 rectangle without one of the longsides...

Edit: Oh I thought of what shape would hold it... and L shape, but with a bottom panel on the other side of the L as well..


and hang the bottle off of that....


Jessica1207 wrote:
Looking stupid for her sake seems fine until you can find abetter solution...

If you've seen my room, you'd know I was mostlyjoking:lookaround But you're right, looking tacky isn'treally of much concern.

Nadia, thank you! I can't visualize things to save my life, so Iwas really wracking my brain to come up with a water bottle design. Ithink what you suggested will probably work. Now I just need to getmyself some NIC cubes...

In the meantime, I think I'm going to attach the bottle to the door ofa travel crate. Please pray that Peanut's congestion doesn't get worse.I'm a worried mama :(