So frustrated...

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

I'm sorry guys, I don't normally post anything about my religious beliefs, but this morning I got really offended by my sister, and really feel offended and hurt, and feel the need to talk about it a little.

I will keep from mentioning any religious beliefs, either mine or my sister's, because I don't wish to offend anyone in posting this. I love you guys so much, and the last thing I want to do is offend or hurt anyone. :)

About three years ago, I met my husband, who is/was of a different religion than my close family. Since meeting him, and learning about his religion, I found that it was in line perfectly with everything I believed, and thus decided to change religions. Due to the fact that I'm no longer involved with my close family's religion (though it's really not that different from their religion), and because I fell in love with a man of a different religion (though he is perfectly sane, wonderful, loves me and my daughter unconditionally and would do anything for the both of us, and despite the fact that he lives his life to make ours as wonderful as it can be), my family decided he and my change of religion made me someone they could no longer have a relationship with.

My oldest sister has ceased in communicating with me (except in situations where it is absolutely necessary), despite my many attempts at trying to initiate communication with her (emails, letters, calls, etc.). My mother shunned me completely, and has done nothing but make fun of my choices to my face, laughing at my decisions (and has even gone so far as to make false reports to the Dept of Child Services that I'm insane and abuse my daughter in various fashions to try to get custody of her).

My other sister was the only one who took the time to maintain a relationship with me, despite what adversity I'm sure she faced from my very controlling and manipulative mother and oldest sister. She's always been very respectful and avoided the subject of religion with me, and kept things very friendly. We had this unspoken but understood agreement that we were not going to try to "convert" one another to our differing (yet quite similiar) religions.

This morning, she broke that agreement, and sent me a note trying to get me to come back to my previous religion. I have to admit, I am completetly offended, not to mention hurt. I understand that she's worried about me, despite the information I've given her that explains various things about my religion (which I told her was not in the least given in the spirit of dissemination, and it really wasn't), but at the same time, I wonder if this whole time, she's simply viewed me as someone she had to save. Does this make sense?

I knew that underlying feeling of worry was there, and would never NOT be, but that's not the spirit with which her note was written. Her note was an effort to try to convert me, and it hurt that she would take that risk with our relationship. It's been three years, and never has she done anything like this, so I was of the false hope that she wouldn't approach the subject with me.

I'm going to write her a note back asking her to please not do that any longer, and in it I'm going to let her know that if offended me, and hurt my feelings, because I thought we had an agreement that we wouldn't cross that line from sisterhood to trying to convert each other. I thought she had more respect for me than that, ya know?

Anyway, I just felt the need to vent a little. Most of that will be in my letter to her (which I've already mostly written), and I've written it in a very loving and understanding way. As I'm sure most of you have gathered, I'm not a mean person, and I'm not going to attack her. I respect our difference in religions, and actually have quite a few friends that aren't of my religion. I don't have any problem with it whatsoever, and don't try to disseminate to them in the least. If they have questions, I don't mind answering them, but my intention is never to "convert" them.

I think diversity is wonderful, and is something that is truly great about our world! I think it is something to be celebrated, not fought over! Does that make sense?

Anyway, now that I've voiced all that, I actually feel a bit better. I just have to wait a while, and re-read my note before sending it so I can read it without all the emotion I've been having about the subject (not to mention I'd like my husband to read it, as a separate party, to be sure it doesn't sound too harsh or angry).

Bottom line: Things will be fine, whatever the outcome of this situation. Hopefully, this won't be something that breaks my relationship with my sister, but at the same time, I'm prepared in case it does. Since I used to be of her religion, I know what she thinks of others that aren't, so I have to prepare myself for that reaction. I hope it doesn't come down to her saying she cannot have a relationship with me. I love her so much, and have already lost so much, it would be so heartbreaking...but at the same time, it's her decision. I'm completely willing to put it behind me and not let it destroy what we have...I just hope she can feel the same.

Why does religion have to be such a divider?? Why can't people just love one another unconditionally? Why does it have to have the requirement of same-religion, same-beliefs, same-lifestyle, etc.?? I'll never understand how my family couldn't just be happy for me in getting married, but I've let that go, and moved on. Yes, my heart aches for a relationship with my oldest sister and my mother, but I've done everything I can on those fronts, and I never got any reciprocated feeling from them at all. They've basically moved on with their lives, and cut me out of them as if I had passed away...literally.

All that aside, I love my family, and always will. If they ever came to me and apologized and let me know they were interested in a relationship with me, I would never turn them away...and I hope someday that will happen. Until then, I will continue to surround myself with people that DO love me unconditionally and value my friendship and love.

On that note: my love to you all!! :inlove: This site is so full of loving, wonderful people! It's such a nice place to go that I know I will never be judged or treated badly or talked to meanly. There's only love here, and it's such a breath of fresh air to the pollution that surrounds us.

I love you guys!!! :heartbeat
:(Oh Maherwoman!! I'm so sorry! :(

I went the other way when I met my hubby. I am technically part of a religion but have never practised it and am more involved in another without having made it official....I hope that makes sense!;) Anyway when we decided to get marriedI was worried about a million things, but to be honest I was never worried about our differing religions. It became a total battleground for my hubbys family though. They were totally offended that I refused to change religions. My hubby decided that instead of having a church ceremony that we would have a non-denominational minister do the ceremony instead. We were happy. The family was not. Half refused to show up for the ceremony, and the ones that did refused to dress up...the one guy showed up in a pair of work pants and his undershirt!:? To make a very long wedding much shorter...we got thru it! But I found myself so disappointed in my hubbys family and to be honest a few of my family members too. I don't care what religion you are...tolerance and love are the keystones of all religions. Everyone has to find their own niche in the world, if you are happy and have found contentment in your life...then what else could they wish for you? Personally I see where you are coming from...a few of my friends have over the years tried to intervene and 'help' me...I love them but I am not lost...I know my direction and am content in MY life.

This is the best advice I can give...Be happy. Life is too short for you to live everyone elses life and make everyone else happy. If your family doesn't understand/approve ofyour religion you can't make them understand/approve. The best I can suggest is step back wait a couple days and try to explain to your sis how hurt you were by her actions. I don't know if time will help mend things with your family...I really hope they will. Families are the people closest to us capable of hurting us the most! Whether on purpose or not. A good person is a good person regardless of denomination! I like to think that is all that really counts in this life!:D
I feel your pain Maherwoman. And Runestonez advice is great, "be happy" with your choices because life IS too short to live the way others want. I did that for years to please my father. Than finally, i let everyone know that I didn't believe in his religion and wanted to live life my own way, I was ex-communicated and have lost my life-long friends that i grew up with as well as my father and older brother. they rarely talk to me, except when absolutely necessary as well. And you know what I realized, as much as it pained me, its THEIR loss. Just like its your sister and mother's loss not to talk to you. They are the narrow-minded ones who cut off wonderful people just because of a religion they "think" is true. No one really knows for sure. Everything thinks their religion is the correct one, otherwise, they wouldn't believe in it.Some just take it to extremes and can accept that others feel differently. And these people are truly the insecure ones.
Thank you so much for your sweet words. I agree...people should just love one another, especially family, no matter what the religion! There will always be differences in this world. I don't know how people like that get through life!

Yes, hopefully time will help things. Hopefully one of these days my mother will come around, and my oldest sister will decide to actually communicate to me what her problem with me is. All one can do is hope (not dwell, mind you, but hope) and move on with their lives, making this short life as wonderful and amazing as it can be.

My family did the same thing with my wedding. We had about forty people show up, and about six of them were on my side. My sister (who I wrote my thread about) showed up with her's kinda what I mean about the fact that so far she's really made an effort. Up until about a month before, she had been refusing to come to my wedding, and then showed. I was so happy! I don't know what happened recently that caused her to change her direction with our relationship, but that is definitely what she did.

If my family isn't happy with the best choices I've ever made in my life, well, then, they shouldn't be a part of that life. Ya know?

All I can do is live my life and be happy with it. To heck with those that aren't happy for me...they'll have to deal with that on their own. I don't think someone that would shun a family member could possibly be happy.

Anyway, thank you so much for your sweet words. It helps to know I'm not the only one out there that's struggled with this (though I'm always sorry to hear anyone else has to deal with it, either). My love to you and your husband. It's so rough...

Hugs!! :hug:

Runestonez wrote:
:(Oh Maherwoman!! I'm so sorry! :(

I went the other way when I met my hubby. I am technically part of a religion but have never practised it and am more involved in another without having made it official....I hope that makes sense!;) Anyway when we decided to get marriedI was worried about a million things, but to be honest I was never worried about our differing religions. It became a total battleground for my hubbys family though. They were totally offended that I refused to change religions. My hubby decided that instead of having a church ceremony that we would have a non-denominational minister do the ceremony instead. We were happy. The family was not. Half refused to show up for the ceremony, and the ones that did refused to dress up...the one guy showed up in a pair of work pants and his undershirt!:? To make a very long wedding much shorter...we got thru it! But I found myself so disappointed in my hubbys family and to be honest a few of my family members too. I don't care what religion you are...tolerance and love are the keystones of all religions. Everyone has to find their own niche in the world, if you are happy and have found contentment in your life...then what else could they wish for you? Personally I see where you are coming from...a few of my friends have over the years tried to intervene and 'help' me...I love them but I am not lost...I know my direction and am content in MY life.

This is the best advice I can give...Be happy. Life is too short for you to live everyone elses life and make everyone else happy. If your family doesn't understand/approve ofyour religion you can't make them understand/approve. The best I can suggest is step back wait a couple days and try to explain to your sis how hurt you were by her actions. I don't know if time will help mend things with your family...I really hope they will. Families are the people closest to us capable of hurting us the most! Whether on purpose or not. A good person is a good person regardless of denomination! I like to think that is all that really counts in this life!:D
I completely agree. I've been dealing with this for about three years now. I view my husband as the one who really gave me the guts to stand up for what I truly believed in my life. I went to their church for about ten years, and when I met my husband and saw my future with him, I decided that was it. I told myself, "I love this man, and I'm going to finally live the life I've always wanted to live. To heck with everyone who disagrees or whatever consequences I might face." I was finally FREE...and it's been WONDERFUL!!

Ultimately, it's very liberating to finally be ME and not who THEY want me to be. I'm sure you both understand what I mean, too. It's never good to live your life being what someone else wants you to be...when does the real you shine through?? I had so many friends that were going through the same thing, that have never escaped it, and I feel so badly for them. I am still in contact with them, and have let them know, beyond everything else, that if they ever want to get away, and truly live life, my door is ALWAYS open for them. I've let them know that they are always unconditionally welcome to stay in our home until they can get on their feet, or even just for a weekend to have some time away. My dad has not-so-great a life, and that's basically what our home is to him...a place to get away and be himself. He's told me that point-blank. He loves that he can pick up some beer and just relax and be himself, and I LOVE that!! Nothing like being someone's safe haven, I tell ya!

Anyway, ultimately I know I have loads of other people in my life that DO love me unconditionally (my dad, my husband, my daughter, my furbabies, my friends, etc.), it's just hard when your family and all your old friends decide you're not worth speaking to anymore because of your life choices. I, too, lost many friends when I decided to move in with my husband...and JUST for that. I hadn't decided to change religions when they stopped talking to me, it was just because I was moving in with him to get OUT of my mother's house, which was like living in evil's territory, quite literally. It was simply that I was moving in with someone before being married, and they never took the time to find out the reason behind it.

Like you's their loss. If they don't see the amazing person I have become, and only see me as someone that needs saving, then maybe they don't deserve to have me in their life! :)

Love to you guys!:hearts:

ilovetegocalderon wrote:
I feel your pain Maherwoman. And Runestonez advice is great, "be happy" with your choices because life IS too short to live the way others want. I did that for years to please my father. Than finally, i let everyone know that I didn't believe in his religion and wanted to live life my own way, I was ex-communicated and have lost my life-long friends that i grew up with as well as my father and older brother. they rarely talk to me, except when absolutely necessary as well. And you know what I realized, as much as it pained me, its THEIR loss. Just like its your sister and mother's loss not to talk to you. They are the narrow-minded ones who cut off wonderful people just because of a religion they "think" is true. No one really knows for sure. Everything thinks their religion is the correct one, otherwise, they wouldn't believe in it.Some just take it to extremes and can accept that others feel differently. And these people are truly the insecure ones.
To you both:

Thank you so much for your encouragement and for sharing a bit of your story with me. It's so nice to know I'm not alone, even though it does pain me to hear that others have had to go through the pain I've been through. I'm so sorry you've had to live through this, too.

You both have really served to make me feel so much better! Thank you so much!! It just shows me once again how wonderful this site, and all the people on it, is!

Love you guys!!!

Maherwoman, I'm so sorry you're going through that. I've been blessed with a rather accepting family, with the understanding that we had to be careful and not let my grandmother know that I was no longer religious (or my brother or sister). Of course, we also had to keep my first boyfriend secret from her (he was Asian and how dare I date someone who's not white?) and we definately couldn't tell her that my sister dated girls. I still feel very guilty about the relief I felt when she passed away. She would never have accepted my non-religious marriage and family get-togethers were pretty stressful when we had to pretend that my sister's girlfriend was just a friend. Thank goodness my grandma was old-fashioned in more than one sense, because she visited my sister's apartment that she shared with her girlfriend. Grandma thought it was completely normal for two girls to share a bed to save money!:shock:

I think your family is missing out on a lot by allowing something like religion to blind them so badly. Hopefully they'll realize that before your daughter grows up and understands what's going on. They're missing out on her childhood, and they have no one to blame but themselves. Until that day happens, don't let them bother you. Your happiness is more important than their opinion.

Aww...Naturestee, thank you so much. I'm sorry you had to go through a similiar experience.

You're right...they are definitely missing out on my daughter's life...and that's a HUGE loss! My daughter's such an amazing person (though right now she's stringing up her Spongebob Squarepants stuffy...kinda strange...must talk to her about! She's only six, and she's near the end of her work for the 1st grade already. She's sharp as a tack...already reading Ramona books!

I hope, too, that they change their tune before she starts understanding what's going on. She's such a cutie...when I was upset yesterday when I got the email, she came over and gave me so many hugs! She hates it when something upsets me, and will hug and kiss me over and over until I feel better. She's such a sweetie!

I have to say, I really am very fortunate to have a family (my husband and daughter) that loves me as much as the two of them do. I would be so lost without that love, and was for quite a number of years. For so long, all I wanted was someone to actually care about me, and now I live with two of the most wonderful people in the world that care about me more than I could have ever asked for.

I have a truly beautiful life...and I'm so happy...I wish my related family could see that!!

P.S. I can understand what you mean about feeling guilty about relief in a situation like that. My mother has done nothing but make my life heck since I can remember, and I worry that I'll feel a small sense of relief when she passes away. I know that sounds horrible of me, but if you guys knew the horrible, aweful things my mother has would understand. I'm not a hateful person at all. It's not hate with which I say's more relief in knowing she can never hurt me so badly again. Does that make sense? Her calling Child Services was an attempt to get them to take my daughter so she could have custody, and unfortunately I don't expect it to be the last attempt. That was in mid-January of this year. I try not to worry, but it's difficult. We've moved since then, so I feel a bit safer, but we had to up the security at my daughter's school and everything. It was horrible. I hope I never have to go through that again.

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