So excited! 2 more 'sleeps'!

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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2007
Reaction score
, New Brunswick, Canada
Okay, friday sometime in the afternoon, I will be jumping into a van load of my fav people to start on a 5 hour drive to Prince Edward Island to see the following bands play:

On Friday:
Finger Eleven


And this is what we think will be happening on sunday:
Hotel California (Eages tribute)
2 Hours Traffic
Muddy Buddy
The Canadian Unity Comedy Tour
Elephant Rock
Timothy Chaisson
The Johnny Ross Band

Hehe, so if Im not around friday-monday I just thought you'd like to know I will be there, having a GREAT time :)

Okay, so really, I am just too excited to keep to myself any longer! Hehehe, I am so excited about it!

Okay, I am done now!

A very excited, Shay.
I dont much care for Buck Cherry eather, but I am really only goingto see NickelBack! LOL, I only like one song my Buck Cherry and thats 'Everything'... I dont much care for Hedley eather, well to be honest I dont like them at all! They were at the same thing last year (we went last year and the year before) and at the end he told us to go fist ourselves.:shock:This year they have a "pants rule" that if they dont "rock our pants off" they will give us their pants... Quite frankly, I'd prefer them to kepp thier pants on! Anyways, gotta go...
Well, heres how THAT went.

We came early (the concerts started at 6ish) and we got there at about 5:15, we went to get in line and the line WAS HUGE! (They were playing the same night as NickelBack) So we waited in line... The line was so long, that we missed their concert. But we could still hear it, just not see it... Which for me was okay.

BUT! When NickelBack came on, they decided they wanted to "shoot some free sh*t!" at us... so they went and got the guys from hedley to shoot t-shirts out of potatoe guns at the crowd... Then Chad Krouger(or how ever you spell him dumb name) decided we all NEEDED to see one of the guys buts. And we did. LOL, so I didnt get to see Hedley preform, but, well, I didnt get to see one of thier buts (eww!)

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