SO embarrassed!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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Bristol, , United Kingdom
So, Steve was out, gone to a meeting with his business partner. I slept in a bit because I felt really rough this morning.

Anyway, I was up and was just about to get in the shower, at about 11am (Steve had been out for a couple of hours I think).

I was wandering up and down our upstairs hallway, wearing, um..... not much clothing LOL, looking for a clean towel from the cupboard. Then, I heard the door open. Now, the way our house is laid out, from the front door you can see part of the upstairs landing, and if you look, RIGHT into the bathroom. I thought it was strange that Steve came home early, but then I heard another voice :shock: His business partner Joel was with him! Cue me RUNNING up and down the landing like an idiot! I ran into our bedroom, but then I realised that I can't shut the door because of the dog gate, and then panicked that they could come upstairs and go into Steve's office. I could NOT find my dressing gown anywhere, even though I'd just taken it off, which panicked me more. Not knowing what to do, I took another run down the hallway, into the bathroom and slammed the door behind me. Turned out Steve had just come home for his wallet! And Joel just wanted to use the bathroom (THANKFULLY we have a toilet downstairs lol or I dread to think what would have happened :shock::shock:). Then I heard Joel asking to see 'the rock', i.e my ring, and Steve had to tell him why I couldn't come downstairs and show him the ring :cry1::cry1::cry1:

OMG I nearly died of embarrassment! Especially when they left and Joel shouted at me 'Bye Jen!' :shock::shock:


Omg Jen...hahahaha!:laugh:That totally sounds like something I would do! I always walk around the house in my undies looking for clothes when nobody else is in.:blushan: Now maybe I'll think again!:biggrin2:
ha ha lol.
this calls for a lesson.
if your house is not locked...... keep a dressing gown
ROFL I know how bad it is! I had the same thing happen one time only it was my hubby's cousin who just WALKED INTO my house! no knock, no nothing and here I am naked as a jaybird .......

I forgot to mention that dotty was sat in her litter tray the whole time looking very amused. She runs up and down the landing every morning like crazy waiting for her breakfast. She must have been thinking 'ooh look! Mommy is so excited about her breakfast! :)
My neighbors across the hall from me have friends or relatives or something living a couple buildings down from me, and often babysit the kids. Often, the kids are sent over on their own, and will exitedly run up the stairs and rattle my doorknob. I don't know if they're doing it on purpose just to see if they can get in, or if they get confused and go for the wrong door (the look to be 10 and under), but it's certainly a good thing I keep my door locked all the time!!
mouse_chalk wrote:
I forgot to mention that dotty was sat in her litter tray the whole time looking very amused. She runs up and down the landing every morning like crazy waiting for her breakfast. She must have been thinking 'ooh look! Mommy is so excited about her breakfast! :)
All I have to say to this is :laugh:

Bo B Bunny wrote:
ROFL I know how bad it is! I had the same thing happen one time only it was my hubby's cousin who just WALKED INTO my house! no knock, no nothing and here I am naked as a jaybird .......
This has happened to me, too. Luckily, I had my bra and undies on. My roommate's boyfriend walked in without knocking (I didn't know he had a key :grumpy:) and I was just laying on the couch in my undies (it was during that lovely heat wave this past summer). Talk about embarrassing! :cry1:
Well, I'm glad my embarrassment has given you all SUCH a laugh! HMMPH! :nope:

:spintongue Joking!

I am glad to see that I'm not the only one it's happened to though! :biggrin2:

I'm also VERY glad that he didn't actually see anything. Although when he shouted bye, he stuck his head up the stairs! I was looking over the banister, but scary all the same lol :shock:

Oh, and Steve was in BIG trouble for not warning me lol! He said he didn't know that Joel would come in, but it's customary to shout 'hello! XXX's here!' when you walk in with an unexpected guest, surely! :p
LuvaBun wrote:
:D LOL Jen. I know I can always count on you to bring a smile to my face. I bet you were blushing on all cheeks:p


LOL trust me, I was! I just about had a heart attack!

Even funnier- Steve just read this thread and he said that when he came in he heard running about but he thought it was just Dotty running up and down- it was actually me! LOL! :shock:
Oh, Jen, you gave me such a laugh! I can just picture you galloping around in just socks while the guys were downstairs. That sounds like something that would happen to me, right down to losing the bathrobe. If it makes you feel any better, once when I had just gotten out of the shower and was in my bathrobe, I didn't know it but Paul was using his webcam and turned the camera so I could wave to his friend right when I opened my robe to readjust it. I was not amused but his friend was :grumpy:
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Oh, Jen, you gave me such a laugh!  I can just picture you galloping around in just socks while the guys were downstairs.  That sounds like something that would happen to me, right down to losing the bathrobe.  If it makes you feel any better, once when I had just gotten out of the shower and was in my bathrobe, I didn't know it but Paul was using his webcam and turned the camera so I could wave to his friend right when I opened my robe to readjust it.  I was not amused but his friend was :grumpy:

LOL!!!! im like LOLING.

Oh Jen, thats very classy haha :p

I was hunting for my clothes I was wanting to wear one day, in the old bra and undies haha, couldn't see them, but then spotted them hanging on the line. I was like hmm no one around I'll just run up and nip them. Got to the line, and well I didn't look round very much coz them blimen neighbours were having a BBQ on the deck!!! And they could all see me!!! :blushan:

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