So Cute!

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Aww that is way too cute. I want one. I thought Iwas safe because I thought they were ordered over the net. That atWalmart...I guess it's pretty much a given I'll have one;)

LOL! So do I dajeti! So when my boys are grumps, I can go play with it, lmao.
Pet_Bunny wrote:
If I got one, Pebbles would be so jealous........ha ha :p

What flyer was it MyBunnyBoys?

Edit: Lyndsy was saying Walmart.
Actually, I saw it in the Superstore flyer and it was $14.99 CDN, according the the Walmart website, they are $19.99 AMERICAN.
lyndsy wrote:
Tina, you could get Apollo a new baby, it looks like him...

Wollo is getting something better...Lola;)She lookslike Apollo. Oh wait Lola needs somebody to look like her..ok I'll gether one.

MBB, Now you know those sweet boys of yours don't give you a moments trouble.;):DSuch sweet faces:D

dajeti2 wrote:
MBB, Now you know those sweet boys ofyours don't give you a moments trouble.;):DSuch sweet faces:D
Have you seen this face?


My daughter had some allowance money and foundone of these at Target. She got him of course. It'sa gray one.

The dog thought it was a puppy...... LOL! My daughter has the mama cat and baby, another kitten and now the bunny.

This bunny makes a sniffing sound, moves his headaround,yawns and makes a smacking like he's eating.His eyes open and close also..... I'm playing with him right now :).... yeah, for your information...... ;)
I saw one at Target!! i was begging my mom to getit for me! but she never did! :( that meanie ;) LOL jk.. i'll have tobuy one myself