Snuffles? Help Please

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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
, Connecticut, USA
I was holding Flops last night& noticed a very small spot of moisture on my shirt under hernose (her nose/mouth area were dry however). She also sneezedonce while in her run.

As a precaution i covered her cage last night (i have forced air heat - drafty).
Her nose is dry today - should i just keep her on watch? Not let her out?
You should keep a very close watch on her.What color is the discharge? Any other symptoms?
Just a little clear fluid. She sneezed once last night (possibly even from dust), no other symptoms.
It could have been dust but keep an eye onher. If you notice her doing this a lot, you should take herto the vet for a culture. In the meantime, keep her away fromany other bunnies just in case it's viral.
She still seems OK...separate them in separaterooms? That would be hard, one would be relatively isolated.Also they share the same run rug, i have no other rugs. I could makeFlops stay in her cage but she will be ticked off bigtime &make a huge ruckus late at night...
Can you put a barrier up between them so that if she sneezes it won't get to the other rabbit?
Hi Bunman! try to keep them as separate as possible.

And don't forget to wash your hands throughly after handling Flops before handling the other bunnies, too!!

On a side note: our bun Binkie has a tendency to drool if she's sittingon our laps and really enjoying a good ear rub. Of course we figuredshe had a runny nose and panicked right off. Guess what?!?.....Binkiedidn't have a runny nose and her teeth are fine....she just drools attimes of pure bliss. Silly bunnie!

Jim, i think what you are describing is whathappened, since there have been no other "symptoms" besides that onesneeze last night.
Bunman wrote:
Jim, i think what you are describing is what happened, sincethere have been no other "symptoms" besides that one sneeze last night.

We have a couple of buns that will sneeze if their hay or pellets are too dusty.

I sift the pellets and try to shake out the hay dust as much as possible. Still get the occasional sneeze though.

I love my lop,Peanut, just to death, but she's not the brightest crayon in the box;)For awhile there, she was scaring us because she'd have awet nose and sneezing spells. I just about panicked at the thought of'snuffles'.

After watching her closely for several days, I discovered the source of the problem:

When Peanut drinks from the water bottle,she bumps it with her nose. Of course, the water makes her nose wetand sometimescauses her to sneeze (the sneezing isalways after she's had a drink :rollseyes:)

So it turned out that it wasn't thesnuffles, just faulty drinking habits. :foreheadsmack:Sillyrabbit...

~Emily and the Fuzzbutts~
Thanks Emily (& all). This may alsoillustrate what is said, that buns may have trouble getting water outof a sipper & may drink more from a bowl. I tried a few sippersyears ago & they would not function at all, so since then it'sbeen stoneware crocks.

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