LOL!Maybe I should post some pictures of sand...
Beautiful photos,binkies! You've reminded me that there really is a winter out theresomewhere... (We've yet to have more than a slight dusting so far,which is highly unusual...usually by this time of year I have to attachone of those orange flags to the back of me just so I can be seen overthe snowbanks...hehe...)
LOL!Maybe I should post some pictures of sand...
Actually, I'd love to see pics of your area Hollie...would be really nice to see what it's like where you live!
Lol Rosie!
Binkies, lucky you, still no snow in the UK or Ireland....stupid globalwarming...this is going to be the hottest year on recordapparently...:growl:
The marvels of Canadian weather...!Brrr... Our presenttemperature is -15°F /-26°C with awind chill of -36°F /-38°C. Wewill have frigidweather until Sunday.
Rainbows! :imsick: