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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
Seattle, Washington






Beautiful photos, binkies! You've reminded methat there really is a winter out there somewhere...;)(We'veyet to have more than a slight dusting so far, which is highlyunusual...usually by this time of year I have to attach one of thoseorange flags to the back of me just so I can be seen over thesnowbanks...hehe...)

Maybe I should post some pictures of sand... :p

Actually, I'd love to see pics of your area Hollie...would be really nice to see what it's like where you live!

Hehe...that might be my fault for wanting Trixieto travel here sooner than March...that desire is so strong, I wouldn'tbe surprised if it WAS controlling the weather!! :D

And, yes, I'd love to see your pictures, too, Hollie!! I LOVEseeing pictures that show what it's like in different countries andcultures!! :D

Bassetluv wrote:
Beautiful photos,binkies! You've reminded me that there really is a winter out theresomewhere...;) (We've yet to have more than a slight dusting so far,which is highly unusual...usually by this time of year I have to attachone of those orange flags to the back of me just so I can be seen overthe snowbanks...hehe...)

Maybe I should post some pictures of sand... :p

Actually, I'd love to see pics of your area Hollie...would be really nice to see what it's like where you live!
Lol Rosie!

Binkies, lucky you, still no snow in the UK or Ireland....stupid globalwarming...this is going to be the hottest year on recordapparently...:growl:
Michaela wrote:
Lol Rosie!

Binkies, lucky you, still no snow in the UK or Ireland....stupid globalwarming...this is going to be the hottest year on recordapparently...:growl:

Yup, it's too mild for this kind time of year. We've only had one realfrost here just before Christmas!:rollseyes It's so annoying,we had a great winter last year.:(
Can yousay..... Snowblower. Ijust got back in fromclearing our driveway.

We are in the middleof a Blizzard.High winds,drifting snow,freezingwind chill
temperatures (feels like-30°C), and low drivingvisibility. Haven't hada winter storm likethis since 1989.

Rainbows! :?
Hi Stan, we finally got a bit of snow here (just outside of Toronto).

It's funny I was talking to a friend this morning who actually lives inTO and they didn't have any. I saw the news tonight you guysout west are really getting hit bad this year. It sounds likeBC had another storm.

Brrr... Ourpresent temperature is-15°F /-26°C with awind chill of -36°F /-38°C. Wewill have frigidweather until Sunday.

Rainbows! :imsick:
Pet_Bunny wrote:
Brrr... Our presenttemperature is -15°F /-26°C with awind chill of -36°F /-38°C. Wewill have frigidweather until Sunday.

Rainbows! :imsick:
The marvels of Canadian weather...!

I'm in Ottawa, and on Tuesday it was sunshine and+3°C.Wednesday the temp dropped and went to -22°C with thewind chill. Now today it's going back up to +1°C. I never know whetherto wear a 20 layers of insulation or a bathing suit! ;)

(And yuck yuck yuck to -38°C!!!!! I hope it warms up for you soon, Pet_Bunny!)
Thanks Bassetluv! Weare use to the weather.I just wear a lightjacket all the time, but havea big heavy jacketnear by, if I'm outfor a long time.

It's noon hour, it's bright and sunny.
Temperatures is-18°F /-28°C,windchill -26°F /-32°C ;)

Rainbows! :D
Yay! we had our first snow this year lastnight! Its settled today and tryed to snow some moreearlier. Its only about an inch on the grass but YAY! SNOW!

I havent drivenin snow before so looking forward to that later hehe :D

I hope we get some more! Snow day's :D
I love snow! We has huge snowball fights on theway to school this morning. All the other girls my age were "oh no idon't want to get my hair all wet!" but me and my friend were standingunder bushesand shaking the branches.

I hope it snows more. Supposed to snow an immense amount tonight.
We didn't have anyfresh snow for a whilenow.The roads arewetanddirty, and we needlots of windshield washerfluid. But thestreetscan freeze up sofast and we get alotof blackice.Thepilesof snow we had so farwill take a long time tomelt. We are abovethe seasonal temperatures whichis about the freezing range of 0*C.(32*F).

Here are some ice sculptures I took on Sunday night.They are socolorfulat night.







Rainbows! :D
Oh wow...those are so neat!! My dadlived in Japan for a few years, and would send me pictures of the icesculptures they do there...oh man, they're so beautiful!!


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