Snow Day

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2004
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No travelling in nasty weather today, payingtolls, eating yucky campus food, and most importantly, no Computing, noLiterature, and no Chemistry! :D Yup, the school that nevercancels has closed for the day (and I'm just a wee bit excited;))

Of course, being the geek that I am, I'm going to spend most of the daydoing homework and being productive and stuff. But I get to do it in mypj's!
hi there m.e

theres nothing better than a lazy day in your pj's

we here in england are off college for 1 week

half term

but i hate the summer time as the kids are off school for 6 weeks


love varna xxxx
m.e., I'm glad you got the day off. howmuch snow did you get? We've had some snow the past couple ofdays but it wasn't bad at all.

My kids have been out of school all week (son made it in on Monday) sofar. He can't go back tomorrow because he has a high fevereven today (they have to be fever free for 24 hours before returning)and she might make it back.... she's going to be completely bummed ifshe can't.

I'm kinda... stressed LOL!
Sitting around in pjs? I have no idea what you're talking about! :p

We're getting snow today too, glad I have no errands to run, the roads look nasty.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the best part: There's no snow here!

The main campus is an hour north and they have snow :p We'resupposed to get some later on, but for now it's just a little drizzle.It's a snow-free-shovel-free snow day :D

Varna- brother and sister are homeschooled, so I'm used to having them around almost all the time. :p


That stinks, I hate being sick *ugh* Hope he feels better soon. I canunderstand the feeling of being stir-crazy, for sure, the kids have tospend a certain amount of time outside every day and they have acabin/rec-room in the woods behind the house that we banish them to(juuuust kidding ;))


Old Navy pajama pants and T-shirts: my uniform :)
addeytrix wrote:
but i hate the summer time as the kids are off school for 6 weeks


love varna xxxx
We get9 weeks plus the last week anda half areexams so since I only have 3 exams I only go for a total of 1.5 days inthat week and a half so it's more like10 weeks. :D

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