sneezes - when do I worry?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2013
Reaction score
Henderson, NV
Groucho started sneezing yesterday. He sneezes a bunch, then cleans his face. He is eating and pooping fine. He is cuddly as ever, seeming to be more comfortable now. He and Bugsy are not as active as when I first got them, but not inactive either. I am pretty sure that they were just exploring their new home before and now have their favorite spots. They are both sleeping right now (Groucho curled up in the bigger litter pan). I'm a mom and worry about anyone who may be sick, especially my new bunnies. Is this something to worry over? I don't have a vet yet, though I have looked online and found a couple nearby that take care of bunnies. I'm really hoping they are ok, though, because life just got out of hand and I literally have only $25.
Usually you start to worry if you see nasal discharge coming from the nose, and/or matted fur on the inside of the front legs from wiping their nose with their legs.

Do you think your rabbit could be allergic to something in your house? Sneezing can, obviously, be a sign of allergies, and many rabbits have allergies.
As far as I've noticed, it happens mainly in his cage. I saw him sneezing only once outside it. So, maybe his hay or litter? The hay could be dusty. It is about as fresh as hay can be - right from my family's ranch. The litter is the CareFresh paper stuff. He does wipe his nose after he sneezes, but his nose isn't wet and there is no matting. We have a cat and a bird, so he could be allergic to either of those, I suppose, but then he'd sneeze more outside his cage, right?
Have you changed anything recently that might be bothering him? Litter, hay, pellets, even just opening a new bag?

If he's just sneezing but otherwise seems okay, it can probably wait. My Cricket was on about 6 months of various antibiotics (following a culture and sensitivity) for her sneezing and now we're trying no antibiotics to see if she gets worse or stays the same. She may just be a sneezy bunny. My Watson started sneezing while she was on antibiotics and after about 6 weeks of antibiotics, he hasn't sneezed since.

Our list of rabbit savvy vets in Nevada:
I'm pretty sure I've changed everything but his pellets, which I got from the shelter where I adopted him. I've only had him 10 days, so everything is new to him. Bugsy doesn't seem to have any issues. I suppose if he starts sneezing, I know there is something wrong. And thank you for the link. It is much appreciated (especially since some may treat birds too).
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Did you adopt them as a pair? If they weren't bonded I'd work to keep them separate, but if they are bonded they will comfort eachother. Oftentimes rabbits are carrying something (e.g. Pasteurella) and seem fine until they go through a stressful situaiton (like moving to a new house) which can cause them to become symptomatic.
Ideally you'd do a culture and sensitivity on him (probably $100-$200) and then start him on antibiotics (cost of that ranges. I had my 5 lb rabbit on Baytril at $85/week and then doxycycline at $53/month). If money is a big concern though, I'd work on just keeping them in a low stress situation and monitoring them for any signs worse than just sneezing. Sometimes increased humidity helps like sitting in a bathroom after someone has taken a hot shower.
I adopted them as a pair. They love each other. It is pretty adorable. Right now, money is a huge problem. I may not be working for another week, and not steadily for another month. I'm relying on my estranged husband (God, it hurts to type that out) to help with money, and he doesn't have much right now.
The sneezing stopped. In retrospect, I was sneezing more those days too, so probably something in the air.

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