smelly bunnies

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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
Reaction score
, , United Kingdom
I am really hoping someone can help me with this. Just recently I have noticed that the hutch, Furby and Ellie, are starting to smell. The hutch is tiled and I clean it out with vinegar(as they pee evrywhere) but it still smells. The weather here has been hot recently or as hot as scotland gets.

Any hints or tips?:bunnydance:
Im not really sure about the rabbits are all indoors. What does it smell like? is it just urine? have you checked to be sure there's no wet food in the cage..this can smell pretty bad (especially if its hot weather). Have you ever tried using a litter box so there's less mess?

Wish I could offer more advice...

What kind of litter are you using? Most of mine don't smell, except since I've started feeding Pipp a veggies-only diet, she's peeing up a storm, and that stinks up the place pretty quickly. I imagine if yours are drinking a lot of water in the heat, it may be the same thing.

Another big question is why do they pee all over the place and not in a litter box? Have you posted aboutthis before?

sas :)and the gang :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
Bunman wrote:
From what i read, rabbits need some high-fiber pellets as well as hay & veggies:

At certain time, rabbits themselves will emit a strong odor, a hormonal thing i believe.
Yup, absolutely, in my book, although not everybody agrees on this issue. I should have said temporary all-veggie diet, and/or almost-all-veggie diet. She was having urinary track issues and seriously needed the hydrationwithoutany calcium, but she still gets a small handful of high-fiber, low calcium pellets.

Good catch. :)

sas :)and thegang:bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
I use litterboxes and use something called carefresh. Its meant to hide the odour. Ellie is actually really good. I have had to separate them and ellie sometimes poops outside but ever since the separation, she has peed once outside and then never again.

Furby on the other hand has started to pee everywhere. No matter what type of litter box I place in the hutch, she somehow manages to get half her pee in the box, the other half outside!!!

There is no old food left in the hutch. If they dont eat any of the veggies, I throw them out and clean the bowls out completely. hay and peelets replaced everyday. They dont seem to be drinking a lot even though it has been hot here.:colors::colors:

They also get supra pellets, recommended by my vet, high nutritional hay and fresh veggies everyday:colors:
If she's eating a lot of veggies, she'll get the moisture from there, she won't drink a lot. (One of my vets doesn't give his rabbits water at all). :shock:

And I just read your other posts, Furby's peeing all over the place because she's hit the 'terrible teens'. A few weeks after they're spayed, that should start improving.

FWIW, Pipp never smelled when she was 'hormonal', just the litter issue from eatingtons of veggies.

sas :)and the gang :bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance:
Cool, thanks very much. Was getting worried bout the water issue. But that would explain it.

Hoepfully then in a few weeks they should be nice smelling bunnies. AWW:colors:
dont worry. their water is replaced 2x each day to get cold water. I will definately mention it to get everything checked. :wave:
Pipp wrote:
(One of my vets doesn't give his rabbits water at all). :shock:
Bunman wrote:

I would always want them to have water available regardless, especially in hot weather.

Oops,should have quoted. :) Bunman was responding to my comment about my vet, and I was responding to him. Sorry for the confusion!


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