Small toys?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2006
Reaction score
Buffalo, New York, USA
Hiya guys, Im not having such a goodweek/month. I got a sick cat who's on some really important meds andsuch. And I just lost a guniea pig today :(:mad:He was old soit was his time, and not to mention in all the maddness I forgot to eatand passed out today boy o boy lol. Anyway the point of the post isthat I had the chance to switch cages around when one became empty. SoShadows(my bun) second floor became available...I should mention myother guinea pig, I had 2 up till 2day was on the second floor with thefirst floor blocked off from Shadow, well I had moved her(Shelby) to myother guniea pigs cage (Stuart) who passed away. So Shadow has the fullcage to himself. Its 2 floors witha balcony on the first. You can seephotos some where around this forum lol. Anyway I moved all his stufflike food, litter box, water, and hay ball to thesecondfloor. I need some ideas of SMALL toys to put on the bottom that leavehim room to do the bunny 500 bc he likes to run into his cage on thefirst floor while doing so when he gets time out in my room, he like torun out of his cage into my room, back in his cage, jumps out andstarts all over again. So any ideas on some small toys would beawesome. Sorry if this post is crazy and dosnt make sense im tired andfeelin crappy. Thnx in advance for any ideas.:bunnydance:
I'm sorry things have been so rough, especially with your other animals. Hopefully they'll be better soon!

What kind of toys does Shadow like? There's all sorts ofdifferent things. For small toys, my buns like plastic cattoys with bells in them, hard plastic baby keys, chew toys hung withsisal and with a bell on them (yes, mine all like to make noise!),small willow or grapevine wreaths, willow and apple sticks, toiletpaper tubes stuffed with hay, grass mats, "Shredders" hung up on thecage sides or put on hanging toys or chew toys (braided palm leafstrips made for birds)...

There's also lots of toy ideas in the Bunny 101 thread here:
I was gonna say TP rolls, I tried stuffing minewith Hay...but Skippy just picks it up and dumps the hay out andcontinues to play with the roll. ::shrugs::

I've seen toys that you can hang from the top of your cage, they arewood and they have a bell on the can find them at Petco orPetsmart.
Thank you for the replys! About the toliet paperrolls......I was afraid to give em to Shadow bc all of ours seem tohave glue residue on em. Sometimes its alot others its verylittle/faint. I tried tieing things to the top but its hard bc on thefirst floor there is only a small door to get my bun in and out, andhard to get to, when it comes to tie toys bc its a small space, maybeif I put some kinda clip on em it would be easier. Anyway tyagain. Im off to go give my kitty her meds.:bunnydance::elephant::colors: