Slug eating catfood!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2007
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Thurston County, Washington, USA
My sister just came hurdling into my room shouting that there was a SLUG on the backporch eating the catfood. She was like "its Sooo gross!" while me, being curious, "Oh my gosh! That's AWESOME!" lol. And it was awesome.....but devillish and creepy all the same! Ewww! Lol. :p:D:)

I'd of never thought that slugs ate catfood! Skunks, I knew did, but slugs!?! :?

Anyway, here are some pictures!! I couldn't just see it without getting any! It's like 4 inches!! :D

Anyone know what type of slug he may be?




We used to have slugs come in our house. They crawled in the vent and would sit in the cat bowl. Really gross! Now we put a saucer of beer by the vent. They crawl in it for the flavour, but they can't get back out and drown.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
I :hearts most things creepy and crawly (minus spiders or centipedes on my ceiling). I would have taken him home for my own slimy pet (at least you knew what he would eat lol). We don't get ANYTHING that big around here. Most slugs are less than an inch. I want your giant slug (that sounds SO wrong) lol

Cool find! :D
I h-h-h-HAAAATE those slugs, ugh! They are called great grey slugs, otherwise known as tiger slugs or spotted leopard slugs. They can get to be 8 inches long!

For some reason our house is full of them, inside and out on the porch. The other day I put this pot with some mint growing in it outside to get some sun, forgot about it until 10pm then brought the plant in, and a massive one of those slugs was on the pot and I TOUCHED IT GAAAHH! I screamed my head off :p.

Some mornings when I get up there will be 2 or 3 slugging across the kitchen floor.

They liked rotting stuff ans fungus so I think there might be a lot of that in the house somewhere. Certainly there is rot in the bathroom and kitchen from a water leakage issue the landlord wont fix.

I'll have to get some pictures of our sluggy friends too :biggrin2:.
NetherlandDwarf wrote:
You gotta love Washington! lol I've seen all kinds of big slugs here. I knew this guy who calls them "yard candy"

Yard candy, funny but very disgusting at the same time! I used to love creepy crawlies and all when I was little but now, its YUCK!! I love pouring salt of slugs though! It is very weird how they die from that. Of course i didn't pour salt on this guy though because he was in the cat bowl and all. After we saw him though my kittty started eating right from the side he was. I was freaking out and yelling saying get him out of there! Blue blue get him out! (blue is my kitty's name)

I am glad I am not you NZminilops, that would be gross to find slugs in your house! Pics would be great though! lol

This slug was about three inches or so long. eww just makes me revolt in shakes when i see him all slimy inthe pic!
I think Slugs and especially snails are sort of cute.
When I lived in California, these giant snails used to somehow always get into our house. One time, I went into the bathroom and there was a HUGE snail stuck to the sink. My dad measured its shell and it was 6" across.
kherrmann3 wrote:
I :hearts most things creepy and crawly (minus spiders or centipedes on my ceiling). I would have taken him home for my own slimy pet (at least you knew what he would eat lol). We don't get ANYTHING that big around here. Most slugs are less than an inch. I want your giant slug (that sounds SO wrong) lol

Cool find! :D

You can have him! Lol. I dont want him! he was actually gone this morning though. Dont know where he went too.

That's the largest slug I've forever! I dont think i've ever seen one so big! lol.

You're right, Leda, he does look like a leopard slug. I will research!

NetherlandDwarf, Glad to see another washington person on here! I know where Uni.Place is, too lol!! :p

I know I'm weird for thinking this but... that slug is gorgeous!
We only have small black and brown ones here.

For some reason I find it kind of cute too... :blushan:
Ahh! Makes me shiver just looking at the pictures.

I *hate* slugs. Namely, those huge ones.
We get a few like that around here. They're gray-ish-white with black-ish spots like that, and they can get *huge*. I swear. Once I screamed becasue I almost stepped on one. Barefoot. It was probably a good inch in diamater, and 4 or 5 inches long.


Ever step on a slug barefoot? Not fun. I'd flip if I stepped one one of those huge ones.

In fact, I did once.. Not only did I step on it, it wrapped itself on my foot. Ahh, that was awful...

Oddly enough, I'm fine with snails. They're kind of like slugs in a shell.
Even *SNAKES* I'm okay with.(The only exception would be if it were to, say, slither in front of me and catch me off guard.) Slugs? ...Not so much.

Ahh, what am I doing? I'm rambling completly off topic...

Back on topic: I have to say, I don't think I've ever seen a slug eating cat food. o_O That's just... odd.

~Xila :purplepansy:
kherrmann3 wrote:
"Love every animal on this earth..."

Irony :( How can you hurt poor little slugs?

Hey, ever since I was little if I found a slug or my dad did, we poured salt on it. So yah. I haven't even poured salt on a slug since this summer and that was the first time in like 10 years. I don't classify a slug as an animal, they are invertibrae, which yes is a TYPE of animal but still.
Alright, Kherman & Luv-Bunniz, she's allowed to state her opinion, you aren't to bash her about it.

Many people pour salt on's not like they're going to go to jail or anything.

Luv-Bunniz, calling BSAR crazy is downright rude. If you two have nothing better to do than be rude to other members, please stay off of MY thread.


ETA: I pulled this right out of the Forum Decorum (RULES)

Unacceptable Behavior (Subject toWarnings):

- name calling

- ridiculing of another's opinion

- failure to 'agree to disagree'

- the posting of obviously inflammatorytopics (eg: rabbit meat, breeder vs.animal rights attacks)

- overly abrasive or negative posts on any topic

- personal vendettas

- 'advertising' or linking other forums or commercialventuresin posts (see Content Rulesfor advertising policies

BlueSkyAcresRabbitry wrote:
Luv-Bunniz, calling BSAR crazy is downright rude.

Where did I call her crazy?

I am sorry if it came across as rude but an animal is an animal, they shouldnt be killed without reason.

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