Well-Known Member
Hey guys...
I wanted to ask you guys what you thought about something...
Is it a usual thing for a young mother to be bypassed by friends in respect to doing things with/for her child by people that don't have children of their own (or even some that do)?
Let me explain what's behind my question.
I was quite young when I had my daughter (not underage, just young), and even when I was pregnant with her, experienced quite the constant barage of advice from those around me, whether they had children or not. This continued after she was born, and even developed into people flat telling me that I was doing this or that thing wrong in raising her (by those that had children and those that didn't). That, in turn, somehow developed into people thinking they could bypass me completely in doing things with or for her. My daughter is now 6 yrs old.
A few years ago, I moved in with my now-husband, who was more than happy to be a father to this wonderful beauty of a girl (bless his heart). I thought people giving that constant amount of advice was due to my being a single mom, but as it has not ceased, I wonder if it's just something that the general public seems to feel is okay to do.
I wouldn't mind so much if it was just advice...but I encounter constantly people that don't have any qualms about stepping in and bypassing my motherly duties RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!
Now, I have always allowed my daughter a great deal of independence, and encouraged her to try things on her own, instead of constantly thinking she can only do things (that are well within her ability to do) with my or her father's help.
So, as an example, we got into my friend's car yesterday, and my daughter started to try to get me to put on her seatbelt for her (a bit of a game she plays). She started it because she knew this particular friend will stop the world to do things for her, and was using that as an excuse because she didn't want to do it herself. Granted, it sounds a bit harsh, but if you knew my daughter, and the fact that she's done her own seatbelts for about four years now, you would know that she's quite capable of a lot of things that most six-year-olds don't. Nothing unsafe, just things that parents don't think their kids can do. I hope that makes sense...
Anyway, my friend got out and put her belt on for her, completely bypassing my sitting there and telling my daughter to be a big girl and do it herself, and that it wasn't cool that she was trying to get me to do it for her. (I think my friend dubbed in that I was just being lazy and not wanting to help her.) Now, also keep in mind that this was the afternoon, and my daughter was not tired or hungry...just trying to get my friend to do it for her (which she knew she would). Like I said, it's a game.
We had a two hour drive to make, the three of visit our husbands that were working that far away, since they couldn't make it home for the night. That was a rough drive (there and back)...let me tell ya. My friend just wouldn't stop bypassing me with my daughter...drove me NUTS!!
Now, mind you, every friendship I've had since having my daughter has had a phase where I just had to put my foot down and say, "HEY...I'm her mom...I can do this...please step back and let me do my job." So, thus, it makes me wonder a bit...does every young mother go through this frustration? Is it that common of a thought that young mothers need someone to take over for them? I mean, I don't mind if I can't reach my own daughter to help her, and my friend is right there, or something. But she'd heard me specifically state to my daughter that she could do her seatbelt herself, and to please just handle it so we could leave...thus, getting out and doing it for her directly bypassed my statement to my daughter.
So, I ask you this a common thing, or just something that I, myself, have encountered? Are there other young (or even not-so-young) mothers out there that encounter this difficulty, and the necessity of reminding their friends (whether they have kids or not) that they need to back off and let them do their motherly job?
I mean, advice is one thing...but stepping in and going directly against something I've told my girl is a whole other ball of wax, ya know? She did things like that repeatedly, and I know I'll have to put my foot down, like EVERY other friend I've had, and I'm honestly not that upset about it, because I knew it would happen eventually in our friendship (since it always does, for some reason). I just wonder if this is an accepted thing nowadays...
Any thoughts?
One thought I had, even while reading this before posting, is that maybe people see me giving my daughter the freedom to use her abilities in being quite the advanced kid (she's been able to read for four years now, she's been walking since 8 months old, she has half a math book to do to complete the second grade, she's just forged ahead and been quite advanced in everything she's done), and maybe people don't realize that I'm not asking my daughter to do things that she cannot do, or being lazy and not wanting to help her. It's possible that people think I'm being hard or expecting too much, when they don't know her well enough to know that it's actually not a whole heck of a lot, what I'm asking her to do. Like tying her shoes, which she's been able to do for years. Or reading something to me, and asking the definition of a word that I know for a fact she knows (with a smile on her face, like she's telling me a joke). I think it's funny, but there are times where I can see that she's using her numerical age as an excuse to not do things when she doesn't want to do them, and that the people around that haven't quite picked up on her abilities as quite an advanced child will step in and do it for her, thinking, "she's just six...why is her mother expecting her to do this?" Does that make sense?
I hope those reading this don't think I'm hard on my daughter. I don't push her to do the things she's able to do...she's asked me to teach her because she finds it frustrating when she cannot do something that the adults around her can. Like shuffling cards, which she figured out the other night, all by herself. She was frustrated because she'd seen me do it a number of times, and watched a friend of mine do it that night, so she sat down and taught herself. She can't stand that she's not old enough to use the stove herself, or clean dishes herself (not that I'm quite ready to show her either one...she's got to have about six more inches for that!!). But, you know what I mean? She's always been very ambitious and pushed ahead until she figured something out. She's reading Junie B. books, for cryin' out loud! So asking someone to do her seatbelt for her is a little under her ability!
Anyway, so there's my question, and my raving a bit about the whole!!
So, I pose the question again: Is this a common thing, or just something that I, myself, have encountered? Are there other young (or even not-so-young) mothers out there that encounter this difficulty, and the necessity of reminding their friends (whether they have kids or not) that they need to back off and let them do their motherly job? Or even to put it a new way, their kids taking advantage of a new person not knowing their level of understanding and ability, and getting them to do things for them that they're completely able to do?
Insert your thoughts here:

I wanted to ask you guys what you thought about something...
Is it a usual thing for a young mother to be bypassed by friends in respect to doing things with/for her child by people that don't have children of their own (or even some that do)?
Let me explain what's behind my question.
I was quite young when I had my daughter (not underage, just young), and even when I was pregnant with her, experienced quite the constant barage of advice from those around me, whether they had children or not. This continued after she was born, and even developed into people flat telling me that I was doing this or that thing wrong in raising her (by those that had children and those that didn't). That, in turn, somehow developed into people thinking they could bypass me completely in doing things with or for her. My daughter is now 6 yrs old.
A few years ago, I moved in with my now-husband, who was more than happy to be a father to this wonderful beauty of a girl (bless his heart). I thought people giving that constant amount of advice was due to my being a single mom, but as it has not ceased, I wonder if it's just something that the general public seems to feel is okay to do.
I wouldn't mind so much if it was just advice...but I encounter constantly people that don't have any qualms about stepping in and bypassing my motherly duties RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!
Now, I have always allowed my daughter a great deal of independence, and encouraged her to try things on her own, instead of constantly thinking she can only do things (that are well within her ability to do) with my or her father's help.
So, as an example, we got into my friend's car yesterday, and my daughter started to try to get me to put on her seatbelt for her (a bit of a game she plays). She started it because she knew this particular friend will stop the world to do things for her, and was using that as an excuse because she didn't want to do it herself. Granted, it sounds a bit harsh, but if you knew my daughter, and the fact that she's done her own seatbelts for about four years now, you would know that she's quite capable of a lot of things that most six-year-olds don't. Nothing unsafe, just things that parents don't think their kids can do. I hope that makes sense...
Anyway, my friend got out and put her belt on for her, completely bypassing my sitting there and telling my daughter to be a big girl and do it herself, and that it wasn't cool that she was trying to get me to do it for her. (I think my friend dubbed in that I was just being lazy and not wanting to help her.) Now, also keep in mind that this was the afternoon, and my daughter was not tired or hungry...just trying to get my friend to do it for her (which she knew she would). Like I said, it's a game.
We had a two hour drive to make, the three of visit our husbands that were working that far away, since they couldn't make it home for the night. That was a rough drive (there and back)...let me tell ya. My friend just wouldn't stop bypassing me with my daughter...drove me NUTS!!
Now, mind you, every friendship I've had since having my daughter has had a phase where I just had to put my foot down and say, "HEY...I'm her mom...I can do this...please step back and let me do my job." So, thus, it makes me wonder a bit...does every young mother go through this frustration? Is it that common of a thought that young mothers need someone to take over for them? I mean, I don't mind if I can't reach my own daughter to help her, and my friend is right there, or something. But she'd heard me specifically state to my daughter that she could do her seatbelt herself, and to please just handle it so we could leave...thus, getting out and doing it for her directly bypassed my statement to my daughter.
So, I ask you this a common thing, or just something that I, myself, have encountered? Are there other young (or even not-so-young) mothers out there that encounter this difficulty, and the necessity of reminding their friends (whether they have kids or not) that they need to back off and let them do their motherly job?
I mean, advice is one thing...but stepping in and going directly against something I've told my girl is a whole other ball of wax, ya know? She did things like that repeatedly, and I know I'll have to put my foot down, like EVERY other friend I've had, and I'm honestly not that upset about it, because I knew it would happen eventually in our friendship (since it always does, for some reason). I just wonder if this is an accepted thing nowadays...
Any thoughts?
One thought I had, even while reading this before posting, is that maybe people see me giving my daughter the freedom to use her abilities in being quite the advanced kid (she's been able to read for four years now, she's been walking since 8 months old, she has half a math book to do to complete the second grade, she's just forged ahead and been quite advanced in everything she's done), and maybe people don't realize that I'm not asking my daughter to do things that she cannot do, or being lazy and not wanting to help her. It's possible that people think I'm being hard or expecting too much, when they don't know her well enough to know that it's actually not a whole heck of a lot, what I'm asking her to do. Like tying her shoes, which she's been able to do for years. Or reading something to me, and asking the definition of a word that I know for a fact she knows (with a smile on her face, like she's telling me a joke). I think it's funny, but there are times where I can see that she's using her numerical age as an excuse to not do things when she doesn't want to do them, and that the people around that haven't quite picked up on her abilities as quite an advanced child will step in and do it for her, thinking, "she's just six...why is her mother expecting her to do this?" Does that make sense?
I hope those reading this don't think I'm hard on my daughter. I don't push her to do the things she's able to do...she's asked me to teach her because she finds it frustrating when she cannot do something that the adults around her can. Like shuffling cards, which she figured out the other night, all by herself. She was frustrated because she'd seen me do it a number of times, and watched a friend of mine do it that night, so she sat down and taught herself. She can't stand that she's not old enough to use the stove herself, or clean dishes herself (not that I'm quite ready to show her either one...she's got to have about six more inches for that!!). But, you know what I mean? She's always been very ambitious and pushed ahead until she figured something out. She's reading Junie B. books, for cryin' out loud! So asking someone to do her seatbelt for her is a little under her ability!
Anyway, so there's my question, and my raving a bit about the whole!!
So, I pose the question again: Is this a common thing, or just something that I, myself, have encountered? Are there other young (or even not-so-young) mothers out there that encounter this difficulty, and the necessity of reminding their friends (whether they have kids or not) that they need to back off and let them do their motherly job? Or even to put it a new way, their kids taking advantage of a new person not knowing their level of understanding and ability, and getting them to do things for them that they're completely able to do?
Insert your thoughts here: