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Aug 12, 2009
Reaction score
, Massachusetts, USA
Me and my boyfriend just adopted my bun yesterday and so far everything is going very well.We've never had a bun before, so we've been reading alot. I was hoping for some suggestion though. Thumper has his own room and a cage that wekeep him in at night. I read that it is good to cover half the cage at night, but I was worried about putting a blanket over. I'm afraid he might chew and eat small pieces. Any suggestion??

OH one more question for now :) rubbing bar soap along baseboards and places the bun might chew. Does this work? Is it safe?

Thank you all sooo much!!
Does he have a hideyhole to go into in his cage? As long as he has a dark hidey area then he doesn't really need the cage covered.

As for soap, I've hear fo a particular type of soap that is usable, but can't remember what it is, however, it wouldn't work for long and its probably easier to just block off the areas that you don't want him getting to.
Congratulations on the new bun and welcome to the forum! This is a great place to learn!

A cardboard box makes a fine hidey spot - they love to "redecorate" them as well. If it gets too worn out you can easily replace it.

Personally, I just block off anywhere I don't want the buns to get to, but mine are mostly caged with playtime in the hallway outside my room.

Where I work we often put deodorant on bandages for dogs that we're worried about chewing. That might also be something to try.

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