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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
Des Plaines, Illinois, USA
Emmy doesn't sleep! I rarely see her sleep..everything i come downstairs to play with her... she is alwaysawake...! What does this mean?:shock:
She's a prey animal. When she does sleep, it'susually not for very long, and as soon as she sees or hears you, she'llprobably keep one eye open, just in case. Not that she fears you, it'sjust a survival instinct. All but the most laidback of bunnies will bea little nervous about going into a deep sleep with activity aroundthem.

As an interesting sidenote, I noticed that my rabbits will only go intoa really deep sleep when people are around, if the other rabbit isawake and nearby, keeping watch.

Don't understand what? My post? Or why you never see her sleeping?

You simply aren't around Emmy all the time, and she's probably more comfortable being awake when you are around.

How? Why?

I wouldn't bother with it. I'm sure she's fine, and probably sleeps most of the night when the rest of the family does.

No problem. Rabbits are such mysterious littlecreatures, they can be hard to understand sometimes. I bet Emmy justdoesn't want to miss out on any of the action :D

m.e. I've noticed that my rabbit Mellawilltake light naps when Pauly isaround.However,I think I've only seen Pauly sleeponce. He's a very private guy. It's interesting that youpointed that out.I wouldn't worry about it Trina. You maynever see Emmy sleep.

Just as an aside, I read in Rabbits for Dummies (i'm a dummy :p) thatat night when you go to sleep you should make sure your rabbits havecomplete darkness. They function best with 8 hours of darkness--sort oflike people I suppose. They really need a consistent schedule rightdown to when they can expect darkness. I only mention this because fora long time we kept a light on in the kitchen, which streams into theliving room, where the rabbits live. It may sound crazy but after Iread about this, and started giving them total darkness at night Ireally noticed a change in them, particularly inMella ourmore skittish baby. They seemed more relaxed. Less on edge. So if youwant to really be sure that Emmy is getting her proper rest, you mightsee to it that she has darkness once you're off to bed.
That's a good point about the light. I imagineit's because they need as much of a natural light setting as possible,to keep their biological patterns normal.


My rabbit Tucker sleeps with his eyes open and just how m.e. described,doesn't sleep well when there's motion around him. My other rabbitFauna flops over and she's so sound asleep that I check to see if she'sbreathing.

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Excellent job of explaining.

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You are no dummie, I can assure you of that. We don't have dummies here. Dummies don't continually strive to learn.



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