SKITSO rabbit

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Oct 10, 2006
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I own a rabbitry with MiniRexes.:colors::colors:I own a scitso rabbit. A male with red eyes. Hebit my brother and always nips. He hates to be held. BUt heis a pretty rabbit. Any idias on how to get him back liking people.
Im assuming since you breed rabbits that he'snot neutered? I know, for me, that cut down on aggression forall of my male rabbits.

If thats not an option, I would just try to socialize with him more.Make sure its on his terms. Try not to reach into his cage as much.Maybe take him out to play and get down on his level. Let him come toyou and reward him with a few treats for being good.

Also,I think mostrabbits just dont like to be held. Getting down on his level may help his aggression...
Well, for one thing don't breed him if he has adifficult personality. Part of that can be genetic, and ifyou do think he's that bad then you shouldn't pass it anothergeneration. And since neutering can help, it might be best tojust neuter him and keep him as a pet.

I think it's really common for rabbits to not like beingheld. Even the most social and loving of my four hates to bepicked up and sometimes nips, although he's learned that nippingdoesn't get him anything because I refuse to react other than sayingno.

Of course, how are you holding him and how are you picking himup? He needs to have his full body supported while he's beingheld. And I know a lot of breeders pick rabbits up by thescruff. In my experience all that does is make a rabbitscared. My mother-in-law once scruffed Mocha when she was ababy. She was the friendliest little thing and she liked tobe picked up, but when she was scruffed she was ticked at me for awhole day! Loki was usually scruffed at the shelter, and he'dhunch in a corner with terror in his eyes. I couldn't go nearhis neck for some time because he'd shrink back in fear. Sowhen you pick him up, put one hand under his upper chest and one underhis rear and lift.

Also, like Haley said it's really good to allow a rabbit to interactwith you on their terms, not just yours. Let him run around abunny-proofed area while you sit or lay on the floor. I don'tknow if it's possible for you, but all four of my buns were verygrateful that I allowed them to jump in and out of their cages on theirown. You'd have to have the cage on the floor, though.

There's more info in the Bunny 101 thread on aggression:
Sounds like a byb to me. Anyone who breeds,breeds to better the breed right? So why breed cus they look pretty?You should also try for temperment too.

Maybe this lil boy is just tired of breeding lol.

sorry if I sounded mean.
Jace wrote:
boy tired of breeding? 0_o
I was kidding lol. Have you seen a rabbit breed? or evenmounting for dominance. They go a million miles a minute. I get tiredjust watching it. :energizerbunny: