Skin issue Male Lop

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New Member
Feb 4, 2019
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My 1 year old house rabbit lost about a dime size of hair on back. On closer inspection there is a red wealt where the new hair has not started growing yet. When he was three months old similar thing but a lot smaller and I took him to the vet and they said it was just dry skin no pests in fur and cost me a lot of money to be told that. Is it common for Lops to develop dry skin over the winter months. He’s in a large open pen. No other pets. Has free roam every day while supervised. Any advice would be be appreciated. He is still social and a happy bunny !
Besides the red irritated skin, is there any flaking, black specks, crusting, lesions? Has he had any shots or vaccinations recently(or the last time this happened)? Or is there any way it's being yanked out(children in the home, getting caught on a piece of furniture or other object, or is he with another rabbit)? If there is red irritated skin it's not going to be normal fur loss from shedding. Something has irritated the skin. Either been pulled out, excessive rubbing in that spot(by your bun?), exposure to a chemical causing the fur loss and skin irritation, shots/vaccination causing the irritation and fur loss, or it could be parasites this time. Is it in a spot that he could possibly be yanking it out himself?

If you want to post a clear close up picture, it might be easier to get a better idea of what's going on.
+ch2OuwFRq+ngPcVlvVH1g.jpg The darker patch looks like new hair growth, it is not as red a yesterday. He can just about reach the area. Without pulling the hair apart like in pic you can't see the mark. It just looks like fur has been groomed by himself and theres a patch missing. No other pets, rabbits, small kids, vaccines etc... I'm wondering if he has done this to himself?

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