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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
Reaction score
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
This is the design company that will be revamping the forum. The new software default has this design (we'll have a custom job) and this layout -- with the side boxes and the same features/content(like recent topics, top posters, etc) if we want them. (We're also getting morecustom modifications, tobe explained later).

Here's my favourite example of a forum designed by Nancy, the woman who owns the theme mall and the WowbbClassic software enhancement of Wowbb.

And here's another example of a forum designed by Nancy that uses boxes on both sides of the forum.

And here's a list of the new enhancements available to us(if we want them):

WowClassic 1.0 Enhanced Features:

  • Upcoming Events on the Calendar
  • Member Ranking
  • Mass PM
  • Top Posters of the Day
  • Birthdays for the next 7 Days
  • PM SuperZap
  • Static Recent Topics
  • Automated Welcome Letter to all New Members
  • SpamBot Captcha
  • Ignore User
  • Hide a Forum
  • Members Username in Mass Email
  • Welcome Mod with Avatar and Random Messages from Admin
  • Member Stats shows who was online and how many posts they made
NEW! WowClassic 1.10 Enhanced Features:

  • Unsubscribe from Mass Email
  • Page Numbers
  • Breadcrumb
  • Signature Control
  • Supermod Mass Email
  • Go Back to Edited Post
  • PM Button in a Post
  • Emoticon Uploader
  • Member Self Delete Option
  • Social Bookmarking
Subforums and other features are in the works.

For more information on these enhancements, check out this link:
In my opinion as a web developer (not designer, mind you), is to keep the site light, functionaland minimalistic. I don't like colored backgrounds or busy pages.

That's just my opinion, FWIW.

I'd love to hear Stephie's opinion, and the opinions of others, of course.
If u want my honest feelings about it. I think that of the themes she has made the are all basicly the same and I could probly do something just as good.

I like the side boxes but not on both sides. I think that its great we could put the contest winners in a box or chat info, top posts ect.

I love the enhanced features.
i could make some cute rank images :D
option for sigs is nice

I agree I enjoy are fourm because its very easy to read i aswell don't like busy stuff you never know what to look at 1st.
Cool! A forum for a game I play has a forum in that style and I think it looks good, you just have to be careful on what colours you choose I think, so it doesn't look too fussy.
I like side boxes on one side - but not both sides...

It would be nice to see what Stephmarie comes up with.

Agreed, it's too busy and difficult to keep track of what's going on with the boxes on both sides. One side is fine. And the simpler the better.

So many options with the new software. Can't wait to see what Stephmarie creates!
stephiemarie78 wrote:
If u want my honest feelings about it. I think that of the themes she has made the are all basicly the same and I could probly do something just as good.
SHe's only done a handful of designs, so no worries about it being too common. And yeah, you probably could have, but Nancy's services werebought and paid for months agao -- it was the first 'purchase' with the Fix the Forum fundbecause she was offering it for a sale price at that time. 20/20 hindsight, could have saved the $$, but oh well. She's on the case and honestly, I do love her work, so we'll proceed with that. Stephie is doing the webpages, though.

stephiemarie78 wrote:
I like the side boxes but not on both sides. I think that its great we could put the contest winners in a box or chat info, top posts ect.

Yeah, agreed re: the two sides, although I think for the 'welcome' webpage also underway, that might work. And definitely the contest winners, etc, would be great in the boxes. We have to decide what we have room for and what everybody wants. IE: Is everybody interested in listing the Top Posters of theDay? How about a scrolling 'Recent Topics?' Andwouldn't it be nice to feature "Today on RO?" Theseare the decisions we need to make.

stephiemarie78 wrote:
I love the enhanced features.
i could make some cute rank images :D
option for sigs is nice

I don't have a handle on the 'rank' thing yet, not sure if and how we're going to use it, but love to see what you have in mind. :)

Looks cool!

My opinions are the same as others- Id rather see a light background like we have now with dark lettering. LL hurts my eyes with their dark background and white font.

I also dont like the boxes on both sides- its too busy IMO. Again, I'll use LL as an example, when things get too complicated I dont bother going anywhere. Thats why I came to this site in the first place, I appreciated the simplicity.
I like the layout of the WowBB Mall (first link), but I think it would be better with colors that match our current theme. Like Haley said, light bacground, dark font.

I also like the idea of the little cigars on the side of forums, but obviously not cigars. If we can make them all different there could be a different bunny on the side of each forum.
Haley I agree with you LL is well a pain to use.


I do like her animated images she used to show what boards have new posts. I hope she does something like that for us!!
I'm so glad to wake up this morning and see that RO is still ok! I had a dream this morning (been sick in bed) that the site designer took into account that we liked simple designs, and the entire site was just two forums. One was for the mods, the other crammed EVERYTHING else in it, and the theme was white and navy. There were no other colours, no emotes, nothing! It looked terrible :p.

Glad to be awake :D.
Is it possible to have more than one background choice? I know most are bothered by the light background but it is actually the only one I like.

Edit: I ment dark background is what I like. Sheesh I am so stressed and irritated I am making less sense the usual.
JadeIcing wrote:
Is it possible to have more than one background choice? I know most are bothered by the light background but it is actually the only one I like.

Wow, never even thought of that, but yeah, we can have a whole other theme as well. Two even. :biggrin2:

StephieMarie might be up for that. :)

NZminilops wrote:
I'm so glad to wake up this morning and see that RO is still ok! I had a dream this morning (been sick in bed) that the site designer took into account that we liked simple designs, and the entire site was just two forums. One was for the mods, the other crammed EVERYTHING else in it, and the theme was white and navy. There were no other colours, no emotes, nothing! It looked terrible :p.

Glad to be awake :D.


You're obsessed!!Dreaming about RO!

sas :biggrin2:
yea that could be done it wouldn't be sooo hard. i'd just have to change some codes around and rename a theme. If we use the side boxes for like the contest winners and other stuff it should be able to be seen on any of the themes so that would be easy.
Pipp wrote:
JadeIcing wrote:
Is it possible to have more than one background choice? I know most are bothered by the light background but it is actually the only one I like.

Wow, never even thought of that, but yeah, we can have a whole other theme as well. Two even. :biggrin2:

StephieMarie might be up for that. :)


Yeah, I have been on boards that have SEVERAL but a light and a dark would be sort of nice I think - even if it's not right away.

wowbb and stogie are about the same. I could take either one. No preference.

The triathalon one is my top pick. If done correctly there could be an organized plethoria of info right up front for members to access and for newbies to view when deciding to join. I dont like how long their board descriptions are though. The sidebars would be excellent for promoting our library links etc.

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