I never heard of one either until Pandemonium. I realized as she wasgrowing up that she didn't respond to sound like the others, but Ididn't put the pieces together until one time when I made a lot ofnoise behind her back and she didn't react at all. She responds totouch, smell, and vibration--and sight to a lesser extent since shedeveloped cataracts in her 2nd year. Her brother Fenwick has perfectsight and hearing, but I believe mum Izzy is partially deaf and hasslight cataracts. Must bea genetic thing in the mother's line.
That said, Pandemonium is healthy, happy and active otherwise. Havingapparently been born deaf, she doesn't realize that the rest of theworld can hear and therefore thinks it's her duty to make as much chaosas possible to get her share of attention--hence the name. Her favoriteis banging the cage door--she's figured out that it makes me payattention to her.
She and Fenwick have a unique relationship. Fen alerts her to anythinghappening--he starts running around, then she starts running around.They sleep side by side where their cages join.
Waking her is always interesting. Since she can't hear, she sleeps likethe dead, and I can yell all I want with no response unless I poke heror blow on her. She jumps up and starts running before she is fullyawake and usually runs into a wall or something.
She does all the normal bunny stuff, but is a little quirky. I have tobe careful that her cage is high and safe because she can't hearpredators and hide in her box. She also has absolutely no depthperception and would fall straight out of her cage if I didn't have ahandin front, guarding her.
Here she is: