Simple Question ( Looking for a vet for spaying)

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Jul 14, 2009
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Hi I have a young female rabbit and I have read that it's best to have them spayed to avoid cevic cancer in their later years, I've never taken an animal to the vet and I was wondering if it is as simple as going to a regualar vet or if it's wise to search for one that is particular in rabbits. I live in brookfield illinois 60513, and would appreciate any direction to a proper vet or board on this forum. thanks in advance!
Hi Lopster. :wave:

Vets and people recommened your rabbit is spayed around 6 months old - that's when puberty kicks in. You can wait a little longer - if you like.

Now, the vet I go to which is just up the road from me, is more into cats and dogs. There is only 2 people in the vet who know about exotic animals/rabbits. However - they don't neuter rabbits :( I dont think they neuter/spay any small animals (just cats and dogs). Maybe you should call a vet and see if they neuter/spay rabbits. You would probably want to ask if they have experience in their vet with spaying. Also - you should probably ask if they had any lives lost during the process (but this CAN happen).

I dont live in America so I cant point you to a vet. But here on the site, they do have VERY helpful things. :biggrin2:

Here is the vet listings for Illinois (they are all rabbit savvys):

I hope I helped and I hope you can get your bun spayed:)
Good for you getting her spayed! It's really the best thing for her and she'll be much happier (and healthier)

Looking for a vet specializing in rabbits is the best. They are considered exotic animals so most vets who label themselves "exotic vets" will see them.

Nicole already posted the library listing with vets that RO members have used - hopefully you will find someone near you on that list.
Wow thanks a lot! There are sooo many rabbits I never thought they'd be considered an exotic animal! looks like there are a lot of vets near me so I'll call them and try to set this up asap. Thanks a lot you two!
It is kind of odd that they're considered "exotics" when they're not very exotic pets. I think there are so many dogs and cats around that many vets only really know about dog and cat care and can make a good living off of it. So the exotic vets are the ones that learn how to treat birds, lizards, hamsters, bunnies, etc. There are a lot of old, incorrect ideas about bunnies floating around, so sometimes you'll find that dog and cat vets only know this old information (probably what they learned in vet school) and aren't current on rabbit health issues.
Another good place to look is the local shelter. Some have low-cost spay/neuter surgeries (at mine, it's $100) and may also have certain vets that they work with and recommend.

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