Simethicone Theory

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2004
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I was curious what you all think about me checking out a hypothesis on Zoey.

As some of you probably remember, Zoey was taken to the vet a few weeks ago with diarrhea the morning after she had a gas episode. I didn't know it was gas at first but someone suggested I try giving simethicone and I did. It seemed to work but the next morning she had diarrhea.

It didn't hit me until the next day that Zoey had never had Ovol before that. I started to wonder if perhaps the Ovol didn't agree with her and she got diarrhea from it. Someone also told me that diarrhea can go along with a gas episode.

So now I want to figure out if it was from the Ovol or not. Can I give her some today just to see how she reacts when she is healthy so I can find out if it is from the Ovol or if it was part of the gas episode? Or should I not try it. I just worry that next time something happens and I give it to her again, she may get diarrhea and I want to make sure it isn't the Ovol causing it. I'm sure I could find something else to relieve the gas if the simethicone is the problem.
I'd feel guilty too but I'd feel better knowing if it is the simethicone causing the problem or not. What happens next time she gets gas? Will she get diarrhea again?

I'm leaning towards trying to now that she is perfectly fine so I can be certain of it because when she isn't feeling well, I don't want to give her something that will stress her system even more.
Maybe you could start out by giving her half a dose and see what happens. If she's ok after a while, thenyou could then try a full dose.


Maybe I should try some with Pebbles.

I did that with Nutrical, and she loved it. Especially when I covered it with oats to keep it from sticking on everything.

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In rare cases Simethicone can have mild side effects such as increased bloating & gas, constipation ordiarrhea.

It is also possible that she had diarrhea due to whatever caused the gassy episode (in some cases viral) -- or maybe just a food not agreeing with her.

The only food she had that day was pellets and timothy hay. So it oculdn't have been that.

I know it's not normal for it to cause diarrhea but I want to rule it out as a cause before she gets gas again and I have to give it to her. If it's not the cause of her last diarrhea episode, then I wont be so scared to give it to her. I'm fully aware it could be related to the gas episode more then just the simethicone but I want to find out.
I agree with JimD. Maybe start with a little dose and then if all is OK try a full dose.

I think it might be better to know how it will affect her, rather then wait till she is gassy and try to use it again. You don't want to make a bad situation worse!

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