Silver Marten Pictures

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Silver Star Rabbitry

Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2009
Reaction score
, Louisiana, USA
Well, here they are! A few members of my Silver Marten herd. Storm is a buck, but the rest are does. Critiques are welcome.

Silver Star's Storm


Silver Star's Tornado


Silver Star's Black Pearl


Silver Star's Sparkle


Silver Star's Savanna


Tex Thomas's Alice



Shimmer's kits - Shimmer kindle 11 healthy kits and was a great mother to all of them, but sadly they crawled out of the nest box in freezing temperatures and she lost all but these 3.





Awwe, They are so cute, Sucks though you loss some babies, But, that's the bad part of raising animals.

I have too just lost a baby from the cold.!
Pretty Rabbits. i like Alice the best and sparkle would be my second best as far as topline.

I like Tex Thomas he's a nice judge :) CUTE babies!
lelanatty wrote:
Yay! Silver Martens are awesome!

Although I didn't know you could use the solid colored ones.
I didn't either, so I asked on facebook. Yaaaay for self chins, lol.

Heard that a lot of people cull at birth or at 8~10 weeks for them tho.

I like them! I think I like alice the most, but it's hard to see true shoulders when they've pulled their feet up before you had a chance to take the pic! Keep in mind the the front legs should be on the ground, and the toes should be right under the eyes. ;D
Thanks everyone!
You get solid colored sports comming from the Satins that were used to develop the breed and that are stil used every now any then by some breeders to increse size and get better fur.
Alice is goig to her first show in the morning and would you believe that she is 5 years old this year! And she is still producing kits for me. She only has 5, or 6 kits now, but she always keeps weight and fur while nursing them. My herd is made up of genetics from her, a blue buck from Tex and a black show doe from a breeder down here. All of my Silver Martens go back genetically to those 3.


Silver Star Rabbitry
Raising and Showing Quality Silver Martens in North Louisiana

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