Silver Star Rabbitry
Well-Known Member
Well, here they are! A few members of my Silver Marten herd. Storm is a buck, but the rest are does. Critiques are welcome.
Silver Star's Storm
Silver Star's Tornado
Silver Star's Black Pearl
Silver Star's Sparkle
Silver Star's Savanna
Tex Thomas's Alice
Shimmer's kits - Shimmer kindle 11 healthy kits and was a great mother to all of them, but sadly they crawled out of the nest box in freezing temperatures and she lost all but these 3.
Silver Star's Storm
Silver Star's Tornado
Silver Star's Black Pearl
Silver Star's Sparkle
Silver Star's Savanna
Tex Thomas's Alice
Shimmer's kits - Shimmer kindle 11 healthy kits and was a great mother to all of them, but sadly they crawled out of the nest box in freezing temperatures and she lost all but these 3.