Silly pepole

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Apr 25, 2005
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I was banned under the name Teljkon simply forexpressing my opnion wonder why this site is such a bunocricie... Andthat opnion was i dont belive in spade or nudering
No body respond to this.

This is a troll that was causing some problems andwas banned. The fact that it found a way back in just goes to show thelengths a troll will go to to cause chaos and unrest.

Reat assured Carolyn will deal with it as soon as possible.

It didnt really take all that much i just got anew name also I dont even care about the mean words I just ask onething you at least let pepole see why I was banned ratherthan throw around harsh words for no reason... Acutally I dare you toput the string back up for a 24 hr period!!! Even though I know youwont. Idont want to cause chaos either acutally I just wantto make it known that I was banned for no reason other thanthat I dont belive in spade or nudering.
Geez, why is it almost all trolls seem to beilliterate? LOL Seems you can't find an intelligent troll whohas mastered a modicum of communications skills like spelling andgrammar, even when there is a spell check available to them.

This one writes a grammatically incorrect sentence of 31 words and six,or 20%, of them are spelled incorrectly! Go awayand watch cartoons, or something of that ilk. That, myfriend, is all that you are up to no matter how hard you try.Your opinions are useless unless you can convey them to other humansproperly.

P.S. Did get a kick out of your ignorant title, SillyPepole[sic], though. Hahaha. There is nothinglike advertising your stupidity in the title before anyone even has achance to read the post. Talk about being a loser!


Sorry Bob,I looked at some of yourposts and while I don't think you're a troll,if you wereexpressing an opinion against spaying and neutering pet rabbits (Ididn't see this), you'rean idiot. Iwouldn't want to waste my time mountinga defense for such anasinine point of view, whether you're entitled to it ornot. It's nothing but flame bait.

See ya.


(I'm only posting this because I know it'll soon be gone, anyway, don't bother replying).

Note to Buck: They're illiterate because they'reusually kids, and a LOT of kids these days really do seem to beilliterate. I think its a byproduct of theinternet. (Mind you, I'm a writer by trade, but spellcheckhas made me forget how to spell even the simplest words. It'sscary! Um...did I spell that right?)

PS: I also read and write fluent typo.

PPS: LOL! I just correctedall my spelling mistakes!

Midori-Chan wrote:
That would be you're, not 'your'.

Why were you banned, hm?

I said I did not believe In spading or neutering a bunny, as far asspell check goes pepole who cant read phonetic spellings are withoutthe ablity to adapt. Be warry when you cast the first stone.
Bobbarker wrote: far as spell check goes pepole who cant read phonetic spellingsare without the ablity to adapt. Be warry when you cast the first stone.
People who can't write properly are without an education and appearstupid or lazy, or both of the above. You have four morespelling errors in that twenty-six word comment.

I've been warry[sic] during my military service years ago andbelieve me, it had nothing at all to do with casting stones.*chuckle*

Go back to your simulation games as you obviously don't have much of a real life.

OH well im done fighting a fight not worthfighting. Thanks for the info I was given sorry if I dont agree withyou all. LMAO at all the silly pepole :D
Bobbarker wrote:
I was banned under the name Teljkon simply for expressing myopnion wonder why this site is such a bunocricie... And that opnion wasi dont belive in spade or nudering
Wow. I haven't been posting here anywhere near longenough to engratiate myself into any percieved "clique"... and yet,"surprisingly" enough, I've also never been caught up in heated debatesregarding altering vs. the alternative for pet buns.

Personally, I'm supportive of responsible breeders, but I'm also *very*interested to hear anybody's explanation as to how non-pedigreed and/ornon-spectacular animals should be used for breeding purposes.

Most of all... could anybody *please* explain to me what "bunocricie" is meant to relate to?!

Bobbarker wrote:
Midori-Chan wrote:
Thatwould be you're, not 'your'.

Why were you banned, hm?

I said I did not believe In spading or neutering a bunny, as far asspell check goes pepole who cant read phonetic spellings are withoutthe ablity to adapt. Be warry when you cast the first stone.
Ohhhh! I get it! You said that you did not believein *spaying* or neutering a pet rabbit. I'm sorry, but IME,people who can only communicate phonetically aren't at all adept attrying to communicate in the first place. It works fordisenfranchised "artists", not for forum trolls. Not tomention your glaring mistakes in other forms of grammar, if not theintended message you failed so spectacularly in attempting to convey.

Do us a favor, roll some six sided dice and allow your fate to bedetermined by other factors that are out of our control, much like yourmuch vaunted communication skills.

I hate to get involved, especially because Icannot find the post he was banned for. It was probably deleted. But Iam going to get involved anyway.

A clarification of what he said in his first post on this thread:
I was banned under the name Teljkon simply for expressingmy opnion. I wonder why this site is such a clique (bunocricie =probably a mix of Bunny and -crisy. Meaning a group of people whobeleive in the same thing) [as in Hypocrisy]... And that opnion wasthat i dont belive in spaying or nuetering

That did not seem like much of a troll posting. Then everyone teamed upon him for posting in phonetics and lack of well spelt english. As faras I can see in this thread he just defended him self. Some of peoplewith over 1000 posts actaully implied that this person might be stupid.

If he was a troll, all of his other 11 remaining posts as Teljkon would not be about his rabbit.

This is the way this thread went though: (This is not originial wordings!)
Bobbarker: I have been banned for my opinion.
dajeti2: Troll!!
Bobbarker: I have never sworn and I was banned for my opinion.
dajeti2: Troll be gone!
Bobbarker: your very mature
Buck Jones: You spell stuff wrong, are you iliterate? You are stupid and a loser
dajeti2: Buck, you are right.
Pipp: I don't think you are a troll, but it is not worth fighting over your views on spaying and neutering.
Bobbarker: It was about fixing, now it is about my spelling. My spelling was not an issue before I was labled a troll.
Buck: you appear uneducated, lazy and stupid. You don't have a life.
Bobbarker: it is not worth fighting over this. Silly people.
Alice: This seems like a Spaying/Neutering Clique against this guy.
Alice: Oh I see you can't spell. Get out of here.

I think everyone needs to appologise.

Sadly it is you who is missing thepoint. For whatever reason this person was BANNED. It's none of ourbusiness why. There are things that go one that you and I are not apart of.

I will not Apologize to this TROLL. This person was banned fora reason, found another way on here after. Give me a break I amsupposed to apologize to someone being sneaky and troublesome. I don'tthink so.

I will never apologize to a troll. How hard is it to hit spellcheck. Give me break please. This person is being lazy flat outlazy.

But that's just me. I say troll be gone and mean it. I won't give this person the time of day and encourage it.

bobbarker ! bob barker is from a tv game show "the price is right" don't ban a game show host! lol!

I note that you have only been a member for a very shorttime. Many of us were members of the "old" rabbitsonly where there was no moderator. Trolls were a continualannoyance and there werenever endingcomplaintsabout the lack of a moderator. I only visited occasionallydue to the unprofessional and immature conduct on that board.

Well -- now we have a moderator, and Carolyn's presence has made thisboard extremely successful and enjoyable to be on.Carolyn has a sixth sense when it comes to recognizing those who haveonly come to make trouble and not to learn.

For those of you who prefer a "free for all - any goes" forum, then I can assure you this place is not for you.

There are many successful rabbitforums -- and those all havestrong leadership and strict moderation so members can enjoy discussingrabbits in a environment of distinguished, respectful, intelligentindividuals.
