That would be you're, not 'your'.
Why were you banned, hm?
People who can't write properly are without an education and appearstupid or lazy, or both of the above. You have four morespelling errors in that twenty-six word far as spell check goes pepole who cant read phonetic spellingsare without the ablity to adapt. Be warry when you cast the first stone.
Wow. I haven't been posting here anywhere near longenough to engratiate myself into any percieved "clique"... and yet,"surprisingly" enough, I've also never been caught up in heated debatesregarding altering vs. the alternative for pet buns.I was banned under the name Teljkon simply for expressing myopnion wonder why this site is such a bunocricie... And that opnion wasi dont belive in spade or nudering
Ohhhh! I get it! You said that you did not believein *spaying* or neutering a pet rabbit. I'm sorry, but IME,people who can only communicate phonetically aren't at all adept attrying to communicate in the first place. It works fordisenfranchised "artists", not for forum trolls. Not tomention your glaring mistakes in other forms of grammar, if not theintended message you failed so spectacularly in attempting to convey.Midori-Chan wrote:Thatwould be you're, not 'your'.
Why were you banned, hm?
I said I did not believe In spading or neutering a bunny, as far asspell check goes pepole who cant read phonetic spellings are withoutthe ablity to adapt. Be warry when you cast the first stone.
Geez, why is it almost all trolls seem to be illiterate?