Well-Known Member
I let Ivory out as a last run cuz im going awayto camp in...half an hour (wow i gotta get ready....been playing withbunny all morning!) so he does his usual dart around the room.<vroom>. then he tries something new. he goes into atight space, like between my desk and my closet, or between his cageand the chinchilla cage, ducks down, and tries to jump real high. Ithink he's trying to escape from the second story window. but thatsbeside the point. he's making it real hard for me to leave. He dartsmore, then lays down and starts panting (my friends are all convincedthat when he's laying on his side and his hearts going that fast, thatsomethings wrong. isnt it true that first of all, rabbits hearts beatfaster than humans naturally, and that they have to catch their breathjust like us?). then he gets up and runs around some more, and laysdown again.
"gotta....get...breath...to...be in....the....bunny 500!!"
(i hope the picture works)

"gotta....get...breath...to...be in....the....bunny 500!!"
(i hope the picture works)