Well-Known Member
I was in the pet store I originally rescuedHarper from, getting some antibiotics. A friend of mine works there,but in the pharmacy part, so I went to chat for a while, and then wentto look at the critters before I left. Now, the animals typically havefood and water, but usually dirty tanks which aren't hardly evercleaned. I looked down at the "feeder" mice tank, and a few were dead,several were dying, and they were all tiny babies. Half of them werecovered in blood and scabs from being chewed on. I know the girl whoruns the animal department, and I've turned her in before, and I toldher the mice were sick and needed to be tended to. She said they werejust feeders and it didn't matter. The same answer I always get.
Well, they have the animal room, which is where I used to work long agobefore I was fired (and the animals now suffer for it, obviously. Theywere well cared for when I ran that animal room), and now they havetank after tank of breeder and feeder mice and rats. One 10 gallon tankwas just horrifying, 6 giant rats in one tank, 1 female and 5 males,trying to get the female pregnant. Then they have several tanks ofmice, all in horrifying condition, no food and water, extremelysickening bedding, ect. I have no room or time, or I would've adoptedthem all. I couldn't leave without helping at least one, so I lookedthrough the tanks and tried to pick the one in the worst condition. Igot this little white mouse, which has been chewed up and picked on.He's covered in scabs, missing most of his hair, has an eye infection,and he had this huge ball of infection on his testicles, about the sizeof an almond. I popped it, and without getting extremely nasty here,massive amounts of infection came out. He now has hanging skin fromwhere the ball of infection stretched his skin, and his leg is warpedfrom being in an awkward position due to the ball.
So, I brought him home, along with Neosporin and a bottle of Baytril,and I'm treating him. He now has a 10 gallon tank with a house, wheel,clean water, fresh food, and lots of toys. He's a little POed rightnow, but I can't blame him! I want to name him, but I want to see if hemakes it first. I'm only being like that because I rescued two a coupleweeks ago and neither made it more than 2 days, in fact 1 died thatnight.
Anyways, I hope he makes it, lots of well wishes and prayers needed! Iwill be contacting PETA about the situation. And guess what? The ownerof the store is the counselman for the city. Oops, bet he won't likePETA knocking on his door.
Well, they have the animal room, which is where I used to work long agobefore I was fired (and the animals now suffer for it, obviously. Theywere well cared for when I ran that animal room), and now they havetank after tank of breeder and feeder mice and rats. One 10 gallon tankwas just horrifying, 6 giant rats in one tank, 1 female and 5 males,trying to get the female pregnant. Then they have several tanks ofmice, all in horrifying condition, no food and water, extremelysickening bedding, ect. I have no room or time, or I would've adoptedthem all. I couldn't leave without helping at least one, so I lookedthrough the tanks and tried to pick the one in the worst condition. Igot this little white mouse, which has been chewed up and picked on.He's covered in scabs, missing most of his hair, has an eye infection,and he had this huge ball of infection on his testicles, about the sizeof an almond. I popped it, and without getting extremely nasty here,massive amounts of infection came out. He now has hanging skin fromwhere the ball of infection stretched his skin, and his leg is warpedfrom being in an awkward position due to the ball.
So, I brought him home, along with Neosporin and a bottle of Baytril,and I'm treating him. He now has a 10 gallon tank with a house, wheel,clean water, fresh food, and lots of toys. He's a little POed rightnow, but I can't blame him! I want to name him, but I want to see if hemakes it first. I'm only being like that because I rescued two a coupleweeks ago and neither made it more than 2 days, in fact 1 died thatnight.
Anyways, I hope he makes it, lots of well wishes and prayers needed! Iwill be contacting PETA about the situation. And guess what? The ownerof the store is the counselman for the city. Oops, bet he won't likePETA knocking on his door.