sick rabbit

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s ingram

May 6, 2005
Reaction score
Barry,S Glam,S Wales, , United Kingdom
My rabbit is back at the vets,the nurse incharge who has rabbits herself is going to take him home tonight tocare for him.He did,nt have an abcess after it was his shoulder bonehaving lost so much weight .They are not sure what is wrong with himbut they are going to try again but have warned me it is,nt lookinggood.We are all upset and very anxious as you will all understand:(
I'm so sorry your bun is unwell. It is such a worry when a fur baby is in at hte vets.

I was going to put a reply to your last post but I wasnt quick enough,just to say that if your looking for rabbitspecialistsin the UKtry contacting the BritishHouse rabbit society. I have had helpful advice from them. You have tojoin first but the fee isn't very much and you get a lot of good info.

I'm so sorry your baby is sick. I'vebeen off line the last couple of days, so I'm going to find your oldpost to see what's going on. I hope he gets to feelingbetter. Good luck. I'll be praying for the poor guy.


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