Sick eye, sneezing, labored breathing

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005
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Yesterday, Shorty had ablob of goop in his eye. Kinda gooey and I wiped itout. He seems ok. When I was leaving for work, itlooked like he was having labored breathing. And I could havesworn he was kinda sneezing or maybe coughing today. I justcalled my mom and asked her to check him out. She gave himhead pets and said his nose is wet. I am SOworried. Called my vet tech friend. Shesays she will call me tomorrow to set up an appointment. Heis eating, pooping and he was running binkys this morning.Any suggestiong what it might be?

Thanks so much for all the advice everyone has given!


Should I separate Shorty & Star till the vet gets a good look at him?
Go ahead and seperate them, it's always best. Asfar as being very worried..... how much "goop"? Are you sure it (he?she? lol.... don't remember what I read) was sneezing or coughing? I'dtry putting it close to your ear and listening closely, if there'ssomething quite wrong you can hear almost a rattling noise.

I agree -- I would certainly get the rabbit tothe vet ASAP. It sounds like a respiratory infection thatcould be developing into pneumonia.

Heartfailure can alsomimic respiratory illness and cause labored breathing.

Oh Dear!!

Please let us know what the vet says, Kricket! Poor littlebaby. Prayers definitely are sent your way. I'mvery concerned.

Hey y'all! Thanks so much forasking. I feel like y'all arefamily.:inlove: Well, I have anappointment tomorrow (Friday at 9:30am). I am so nervous tosee what they say. AND he's going to be so mad at me forgoing to the vet again. Is a cold cured withantibiotics? I hope that is all it is. Pam, youmentioned it could turn into would they treatthat? I really do think he is sick. Why does hestill act like himself? He's still binkying and running theBunny 500. He sneezes and rubs his nose every so often thatis why I really think he is sick.

Worried, Kricket

P.S. The blob of goop was kinda stringy. I put my finger inthe corner of his eye and went to rub down and it came out on my fingerkinda stringy. It was kinda in the corner of his eye, thenwhen I went to wipe it out, some of the goop was also under hiseyelid. It was enough for my sister to say "EW! Go wash yourhands!"

Glad to hear he's at least acting likehimself...when Corky got so sick he seemed depressed....Glad yourgetting him in soon!!! Please keep us posted! Sending morehealing thoughts your way!

PGG,Corky,Oreo,Homer,and Misty
Kricket wrote:
It was enough for my sister to say "EW! Go wash your hands!"

Sisters....I know EXACTLY what you mean, Iwas cleaning Nimues cage (I have to like go in it to clean it) and mysisters was like "OMG ARE YOU NUTS! YOUR LIKE SITTINGINNIMUES BATHROOM! DISGUSTING!!!!"

Is your sister older or younger???


MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Amy, you just made me laugh outloud! SO funny!! My sissy is younger and she adoresthe buns, but she says I should get out more. Thinks I devotetoo much time to the buns. :foreheadsmack:Sisters!Is yours younger or older? Mine is my best friendtoo. She is having a baby in September.:stork:(I've been DYING to use that)

Hugs! Shortness, Star-Gurl & Krick
Kricket wrote:
MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Amy, you just made me laugh outloud! SO funny!! My sissy is younger and she adoresthe buns, but she says I should get out more. Thinks I devotetoo much time to the buns. :foreheadsmack:Sisters!Is yours younger or older? Mine is my best friendtoo. She is having a baby in September. :stork:(I've been DYING to use that)

Hugs! Shortness, Star-Gurl & Krick
My sister is also younger (by 2 years) andalso says that I should get out more, she probably says it once aday....some times twice, if she is feeling especially nice!

My sister also loves rabbits, she has two,but DEFINITELY isn't as obsessed as I am! :D

AND I can definitely say that my sisterwill not have a baby any time soon! :) Haha she is 14. Butcongratulations to you sister!

Oh it sounds like you have a sick little babythere. Good to take him to the vet.Hopefully since he's still acting normal, you caught it early so itwill be a simplefix.

Hello! We have just returned from ourtrip to the vet. Shorty has an upper respiratoryinfection. Doc prescribed Cephalexin and gave me some FastBalance G.I. I give him the antib's for 7 days every 12hours.

He was a good boy. Very friendly and sweet toeveryone. The vet was rubbing his rump and he started lickingher. Then he got kinda embarrassed when he realized he waslicking her, he hopped over to me and gave me a big hug. Mylittle Shortness is a sweetie. I could hear them talkingabout him in the hall. The vet said "You've gotta come seethis bunny! He is the sweetest thing!" All thegirls working came in to give him pets. He was eating it ALLup!

Thanks everyone so much for the kind words and thoughts. Itreally means so much to me to have somewhere to go and talk about ourbabies! My family doesn't understand my crazy love for mybabies, but you do, and I am glad I know you all! Thanksagain so much!


Shorty & Star
I hope the antibiotics work! He sounds like such a sweet bunny.

"My family doesn't understand my crazy love for my babies, but you do, and I am glad I know you all!"

They have yet to become bunnslaves. They will understand too late, when our buns take over the world and demand all our oats!

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