Sick Bunny

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Mar 29, 2005
Reaction score
Fountain Valley, California, USA
My Dwarf Rabbit is 6 months old. I'venoticed a couple of thingsabout him the past couple of days.First, it sounds like he has a cold. His breathing is congested and hisnose is a little runny. The second problem has to do with his face. Itlooks like what appears to be a crust on his nose and on his cheek.Some sort of skin condition I think. Has anybody had any experiencewith this? I keep his cage very clean. Could he be allergic tosomething in his cage?
I am really new to the bunny world, but from what I have understoodfrom previous posts, you need to take this sniffling seriously. If youwanna check the "search" located at the top right of the screen, I'msure you will find many with a similar problem. I would investigateasap (I do not mean to alarm you), but from what I have been reading,this could get serious!
I would get him to a vet ASAP. It might be nothing - it could be snuffles - it could be pasturella.

My buns got snuffles (I was worried it was pasturella but it wasn't asit turned out). They were given liquid baytril for 10 daysand it helped immensely.


P.S. The crust sounds like it could be discharge!
I agree with Peg- you really should take yourrabbit to a vet. There are a couple of different causes for yourrabbits symptoms, but since it looks like there is discharge I'mdoubting allergies.:( It could be snuffles, pasturella, pneumonia,dental problems. Check out this link, it explains possible causes andsome ways to alleviate runny eyes/nose. Alleviate, not treat. Only avet can do that.
You can even try using a humidifier or takinghim into the bathroom while you take a hot shower. My vetsays the steam helps allieviate the labored breathing.However, this is NOT a cure, just a treatment to ease any chestcongestion. Do go to the vet and keep us posted.

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