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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2005
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Aptos, California, USA
I have two younger siblings (10 and 6), who arealways fighting. From the time they wake up to the time they go to bed,they are squabbling, hitting, and generally annoying and taunting eachother *blah*. How 'bout yours? are they pure evil (yes? well, that'sone thing we have in common!), are they great? or are you one of thoselucky people who are an only child?
I fought a lot with my older sister.It didn't help that we had to share a room. But my youngerbrother was pretty cool when he got into high school. Beforethat he was a little :censored2 and it didn't help that I didthis all the time to him :stikpoke

But my sister and I started being able to actually talk to each otherwhen she went away to college. We're not that close, andsince we don't talk on the phone or email each other much we reallyonly talk when we're both visiting the 'rents. That's notoften because she lives in NYC. My brother is still cool andis engaged to a good friend of mine. I told him when hestarted dating her that if he hurt her he'd answer to me, and look whathappens.:D
I adore them.

No really, I do :)

My brother is 15, and my sister is 12. They are definitely notperfect, but then again, neither am I. As their older sister, I try tomodel respect for them. It's really amazing how much of an influenceolder siblings have. When I'm snapping at them, or just plain rude, theentire tone of the house changes. When I (sometimes through grittedteeth) am polite and honest, I get it in return. And they're not alwaysnice to each other, but a lot of that has to do with the stage ofdevelopment they're in. This too shall pass.

I will say one thing though, and try not to get up my soapbox ;), buthere 'tis: I'm always a little amazed at people who would never thinkto treat their friends like they treat their siblings. I myself havebeen guilty of using a tone of voice with my sister, and then realizingthat if I talked to my best friend that way, she'd point blank call mea jerk. And rightly so. I think siblings deserve respect, and I thinkthey have a right to demand it as well. It's sad to think that, whenI'm rude to my sister, she might actually think that's normal :(
I'm the middle child. But, I get along prettywell with my sibilings. My older sister is 3 years older than I am, andmy younger sibiling is a year and 5 months younger than me. I'm reallyclose with my younger sister. My older sister I'm not as close with.But, either way. We all get along pretty well.
(But when we do get into a fight, everyone best watch out!! :shock:)
I have an older sister who is 22 in July.

She is the best sister ever. She gave me her old car when she got a newone so I could learn in it. She has been so kind to me. Ifeel a bit guilty cos sometimes im not nice to her lol.

We have little arguements that last meerly a few hours, but then it allgoes back to normal again. She really is just like my bestfriend to me.

We use to share a room together when we was ickle.

In my opinion brothers and sisters that share a bedroom together whenthey are ickle generally get on well together in years tocome.

I have two older sisters. One hasflat-out stopped communicating with me (despite my many efforts atcommunicating with her) and the other rarely communicates with me, bothcases as of about three years ago...for religious reasons I will notget into beyond stating that. :(

They don't agree with my very sane choices because they don't mesh with their religious state it plainly.

It's unfortunate, but I live with it. I have a lovinghusband, a sweet daughter, and friends that love me, so I don't letmyself worry about their opinions of me. If they don't wantto be in communication with me, I figure it's their loss...yaknow? I know I'm a nice person, and that's whatcounts. :)
I have two older brothers. My oldest brother isa"Closet" bunny lover and I've seen him at my doorway talkingto Pebble's like I do (taling like you would to a todler :D)but hestops and walks away as soon as he sees me watching what he's doing..:D It's kind of silly!

My other brother, the one closest to my age hates my rabbits.. he'seven once said "shoot the :censored2things, I'lleven buy the bullets"... well that gave him a good wack on the back ofthe head!

im the youngest of three kids,im 32 now my brother is 37 and my sister is 42.

When i was younger,i used to share a room with my sister Cathy,wedidn't fight or anything but she kept telling me that she wished shedidn't have a sister and she always complained about sharing a roomwith a little brat that got everything she wanted:),ok it wasn't myfault that i was spoiled rotten,i was the youngest and the luckiestthat's all:),we are good friends now and we often visit with each other.

Now my brother Steven and i just didn't get along,he was just themeanest brother,he would hit me punch me,tell me i was annoying,hewould always tease me for something and the name calling argh..he wasjust the meanest.i hated him so much when we were kids,he would eventake my stuff just so i would cry,awww i was just a kid lol.I don't seehim much anymore as he lives in Queensland,but we do get on better now

I have a younger brother, he thinks I'm crazyfor having all my critters, and always tells me how nice they would bein the oven - but he is just kidding. We always get along great and wego camping a lot. He is in the army right now, in Iraq. So Iwould appreciate any prayers you could sendhis way.

He is coming home for vacation in June:colors:and we are planning a trip to the Smokey Mountains.
My little sister is getting married inJuly. I am so thrilled and excited forher!She has a heart of gold and I hope her marriagebrings her a lifetime of joy and happiness.


maherwoman wrote:
I have two older sisters. One has flat-out stoppedcommunicating with me (despite my many efforts at communicating withher) and the other rarely communicates with me, both cases as of aboutthree years ago...for religious reasons I will not get into beyondstating that. :(

They don't agree with my very sane choices because they don't mesh with their religious state it plainly.

It's unfortunate, but I live with it. I have a lovinghusband, a sweet daughter, and friends that love me, so I don't letmyself worry about their opinions of me. If they don't wantto be in communication with me, I figure it's their loss...yaknow? I know I'm a nice person, and that's whatcounts. :)
Let me guess - they are jehovah's i right?
My brother and I get along extremelywell, and have since we were both in high school. I can'treally ever remember fighting with him after the time I entered highschool. we fought like fury prior to that, but for some reason it juststopped.
Nope, they're quite extremely Christian (tothe point where they think listening to anything other than Christianmusic and not going to church, literally, every night means you'rebackslidden and an unbeliever). Now, I don't have ANYTHINGagainst Christians or Christianity, it's just that I decided I wantedto go out into the world and figure things out on my own, and theydecided I wasn't a Christian anymore and therefore they couldn't talkto me. It's sad...and I wish it weren't so...but they havetheir own lives and beliefs...I respect other's beliefs, but if itprohibits you from talking to your family or loved ones, it's where Istart losing respect. Know what I mean?

Like I said, I know I'm not a bad person, that I have a great moralcode, and that I hold true to my own convictions. I don'tlive like a banshee wild woman, doing whatever I want oranything. I have a code of morals, and they're quite the sameas most Christians' moral codes, its just the fact that I don't go toTHEIR church that they think I'm now an "unbeliever" and they shouldn'tassociate with me anymore. :(

I miss my sisters...:( But their choices are theirchoices...and they have to live with and be accountable and responsiblefor them. I didn't make the choice for them...I've tried tokeep things going as far as a relationship, and just keep getting shutdown...and that's what enables me to sleep at night, knowing that Itry. :)

ilovetegocalderon wrote:
maherwoman wrote:
I have twoolder sisters. One has flat-out stopped communicating with me(despite my many efforts at communicating with her) and the otherrarely communicates with me, both cases as of about three yearsago...for religious reasons I will not get into beyond statingthat. :(

They don't agree with my very sane choices because they don't mesh with their religious state it plainly.

It's unfortunate, but I live with it. I have a lovinghusband, a sweet daughter, and friends that love me, so I don't letmyself worry about their opinions of me. If they don't wantto be in communication with me, I figure it's their loss...yaknow? I know I'm a nice person, and that's whatcounts. :)
Let me guess - they are jehovah's i right?
maherwoman wrote:

Nope, they're quite extremely Christian (to the point wherethey think listening to anything other than Christian music and notgoing to church, literally, every night means you're backslidden and anunbeliever). Now, I don't have ANYTHING against Christians orChristianity, it's just that I decided I wanted to go out into theworld and figure things out on my own, and they decided I wasn't aChristian anymore and therefore they couldn't talk to me.It's sad...and I wish it weren't so...but they have their own lives andbeliefs...I respect other's beliefs, but if it prohibits you fromtalking to your family or loved ones, it's where I start losingrespect. Know what I mean?

Like I said, I know I'm not a bad person, that I have a great moralcode, and that I hold true to my own convictions. I don'tlive like a banshee wild woman, doing whatever I want oranything. I have a code of morals, and they're quite the sameas most Christians' moral codes, its just the fact that I don't go toTHEIR church that they think I'm now an "unbeliever" and they shouldn'tassociate with me anymore. :(

I miss my sisters...:( But their choices are theirchoices...and they have to live with and be accountable and responsiblefor them. I didn't make the choice for them...I've tried tokeep things going as far as a relationship, and just keep getting shutdown...and that's what enables me to sleep at night, knowing that I try.

Oh man... that sounds exactly like what me and my best friend are goingthrought right now. We met in preschool, maybe before, and we've beenbest friends ever since. They are very Christian, and her parents havenow decided, after 11 years of friendship, that I'm not Christianenough for their liking. Now, I am Christian, but I don't goto church because I believe you can be Christian without going. So herparents are now trying to dismantle our friendship, and sometimes itreally hurts.
Yep, that's how I feel, too...and that's whatbasically started the whole thing. They think because I'm notactually going to church, I'm no longer a Christian...which I don'tagree with. Yes, you get more out of the Word by going tochurch, but I don't feel it's REQUIRED to be able to call yourself aChristian. I'm sorry you're going through a does hurt. No one has any right to judgeanyone else. It's not right.

There are so many religious beliefs in this world...I don't think fighting over them is the right way to live. :)

Not only that, but I have a fairly close single friend who just foundout she's pregnant, and she grew up in that same church.She's going to go through much of what I did when I was pregnant at 19and single...though she's planning on the two of them getting marriedin about a month. Many people that call themselves herfriends will abandon her like they did me. My thought on itis, "Yes, I made a mistake..that doesn't warrant dropping me like a hotpotato." If anything, I feel that people that are in asituation like that need even MORE love, not abandonment andloneliness. It's so tough...I wish the people that are likethat would open their eyes and realize how horrible that is to do tosomeone...especially when they need their loved ones the most!

Now, the situation I'm talking with myself about is morerecent. The only reason those friends that dropped me when Iwas pregnant came back is because I started following their "rules"again and then they started to accept me. But the second Istarted not wanting to follow them to a T anymore, off theywent. It's so sad the way people treat one another...and theway they treat animals. There are way too many people thatjust don't care anymore...:(

But, like I said, I don't have a problem with Christianity...but whenit becomes something where Jesus' love no longer applies to theiractions, I think it's wrong. I don't think it's right to juststop caring about someone because they choose to livedifferently. They still deserve love and caring. Ithink people that do things like that are the ones that aren't reallybeing Christian...what happened to 1 Corinthians 13? Ya know?

Anyway, I've moved on...just wanted to state how I felt aboutit. :) It's kinda fresh on my mind after my friendtelling me yesterday that she's pregnant...brings back all the memoriesof that time in my life.

P.S. I hope it's ok to have said all that...and I really hope I didn'toffend anyone because of it. If I did...I'm sosorry. Please let me know if I did...PM me so I canapologize. :)

Greta wrote:

Oh man... that sounds exactly like what me and my best friend are goingthrought right now. We met in preschool, maybe before, and we've beenbest friends ever since. They are very Christian, and her parents havenow decided, after 11 years of friendship, that I'm not Christianenough for their liking. Now, I am Christian, but I don't goto church because I believe you can be Christian without going. So herparents are now trying to dismantle our friendship, and sometimes itreally hurts.
I completely understand what you are saying. Imyself am a christian. However it's been quite a while since I've goneto church. Not that I dont want to I just haven't found the church Iwant yet. I married a Catholic and I'm not catholic. We havent figuredout what is going to be the best thing for us. Luckally we dont haveany kids yet so I dont feel like it's something that we have to have aresolution for right away. If you believe, He know and loves you!!That's my personal belief.
I have one sister who is 2 and a half yearsyounger than me, she's actually getting married next summer and we aregoing dress shopping with our mom on Friday. We have always "gottenalong" but when we were younger I dont think I would have called her afriend. When I left home for college that changed. Now I think of heras a friend and she has a great guy who will be a great brother in law.

I also have 2 step brothers and 2 stepsisters. One on each side of myfamily. One of my step brothers is older than me by 2 years and all theothers are younger. I get along with all of them but its justhard when you have that many families blended together.

My husband also has a step brother and step sister. I feel that I getalong with them better than i do my own extended family. But at thesame time I feel like they have taken the time to get to know me andvise versa.
I completely agree. This countrywas set up in such a way that people are allowed to make the religiousdecisions they would like. People in this country are allowedto follow whatever religion they choose, and I don't think it's rightfor anyone to shun someone because of that choice.

We all have rights, and I think we shouldn't be made to feel like using them is wrong.

That's really great that you are married to a Catholic man.It shows that you are diverse, and that's great! People don'trealize how many similiarities between Christianity and Catholicismthere are. It isn't really so apples and oranges as peoplethink. Yes, there are some differences, but they aren't thetype that would make it so that two people wouldn't be able to have arelationship.

I'm sure that there are people out there that don't agree with what I'msaying in this thread, and I'm sorry if I've made it stray a bit fromthe topic. I can post a different thread, if you'drather...let me know Greta. I don't mind a bit! :)

Anyway, daisy...I think that's great, and I greatly respectthat. :) In time you guys will figure out whatyou're comfortable with doing. Just don't ever let it comebetween the two of you. Yes, when you have kids, you'll havea decision to make on it, if only for what you're going to do as far asChristianing your child or not, etc. But for now, you guyshave time, and can talk about it with time to spare, without the rushof "we have something we need to do for Baby NOW". :)

Take care, and God bless! :)

daisy052104 wrote:
I completely understandwhat you are saying. I myself am a christian. However it's been quite awhile since I've gone to church. Not that I dont want to I just haven'tfound the church I want yet. I married a Catholic and I'm not catholic.We havent figured out what is going to be the best thing for us.Luckally we dont have any kids yet so I dont feel like it's somethingthat we have to have a resolution for right away. If you believe, Heknow and loves you!! That's my personal belief.
Ya know, now that I read a bit of your story,I can see why you're able to marry a man that is in a've been able to adjust to having basically threedifferent families made into one. That takes a lot ofpatience, and a lot of compromisation (is that a word?), and itrequires a LOT of understanding. I've had a few step-siblingsover the years (my parents are divorced, my dad's been married fourtimes total, my mother seven times), and I think that makes a personmuch more tolerant of other people's differences. :)

Yay for you...that's awesome! :)

P.S. Not to mention, your husband has the same experiences,it sounds like...which makes the two of you so great for eachother! :)

daisy052104 wrote:
I have one sister whois 2 and a half years younger than me, she's actually getting marriednext summer and we are going dress shopping with our mom on Friday. Wehave always "gotten along" but when we were younger I dont think Iwould have called her a friend. When I left home for college thatchanged. Now I think of her as a friend and she has a great guy whowill be a great brother in law.

I also have 2 step brothers and 2 stepsisters. One on each side of myfamily. One of my step brothers is older than me by 2 years and all theothers are younger. I get along with all of them but its justhard when you have that many families blended together.

My husband also has a step brother and step sister. I feel that I getalong with them better than i do my own extended family. But at thesame time I feel like they have taken the time to get to know me andvise versa.
I have 3 sisters. One older and twoyounger. I fought a lot with my older sister when I wasyounger. The other two I got along with. Now thatwe are both matured and married with children (almost!!), we obviouslydon't bicker about the little things anymore. We have verydifferent personalities andour lifestyles are completelydifferent, but we are still able to respect each other.Respect is important.

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