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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2008
Reaction score
, West Virginia, USA
I don't know if anyone can help me or not but I figure it's a good place to ask :). For years I was involved with horses (from the time I was probably 6 until at least 21-22 and still had one until about 3 months ago). I showed during that time and loved it. It gave me something to work towards and look forward to.

I do not really have the time nor the horse to do it anymore and right now I do not have the time or energy that that type of showing involves. I would like to have another hobby and was wondering about my dogs or rabbits. I do not know if that's possible or not though. This is a small area and not a lot of opportunites for stuff like that I wouldn't think.

How would I get started? The dogs are rescues, both purebred but of course need some training (they do some basics) but what about the bunnies? I'm not necessarily saying show both but I'm looking at both as options if it is a possibility. My Cocker Spaniel goes to training tonight so I'm going to talk to the instructor but she deals with with protection dogs I think.
Well I did type a really long post but its gone :?

For the dogs - agility, obedience and tricks.

Bunnies - "bunny hopping" and tricks.

I would say go for agility with a cocker spaniel
Luv-bunniz wrote:
Well I did type a really long post but its gone :?

For the dogs - agility, obedience and tricks.

Bunnies - "bunny hopping" and tricks.

I would say go for agility with a cocker spaniel
I would LOVE to do agility but around this area there isn't much. Where I go for training there's a large yard with some agility equipment so I do mess around getting them to jump it or on top of it.
Since there's not much in your area as far as actual "showing" would you want to just train for agility as a hobby, but not go through with it except for maybe once or twice a year when you can travel for a competition?

I don't know if that's possible, but maybe it's worth a thought? Please let us know what you decide to do.
Alexah wrote:
Since there's not much in your area as far as actual "showing" would you want to just train for agility as a hobby, but not go through with it except for maybe once or twice a year when you can travel for a competition?

I don't know if that's possible, but maybe it's worth a thought? Please let us know what you decide to do.

I think thats a good idea, its a fun hobby and healthy for the dog/s. There was a vid somewhere on youtube and this guy would just take his rotty around random places (ie. parks, shopping centres) and his dog would just bins, weave in posts, jump benches etc.