Showing off Bunny Tricks - Spin, Up up, Go home.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2010
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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Hey Y'all,

I haven't posted here in a while, mostly because I live in a dorm in University and had to leave my Tofu at home with my parents. My dad takes care of him.

I've been missing him a lot lately, so I've compiled a new video of Tofu and his tricks.

He knows "Spin" "Up Up Up" "Go Home".


The footage was taken a few months ago, and compiled. I can't wait until mid-April/May when I move back home and can be with my baby everyday again. :(

...also if anyone in the GTA area want to meet-up for a bunny play date in April/May I'm open to that!
Ah I'm jealous that he goes off of vocal queues! Really neat!

Here's a video of Toby's 4ish tricks. He turns, puts his two paws up on my arm, hops on my leg, and stands up. His tricks are very much gesture based though.
I love the end. "Tofu, go home! Go home! Tofu! Go home!"

Tofu is so cute! How did you train him to spin??? Q-tip will "up up", but how did you get him to spin on command???
Thanks so much for sharing! Love the fact that you both spend time with your bunny. They are very intelligent. My husband has two of my boys stand up for treats. And Dobby will come when my husband calls his name and sit by him once there.

Bunnies can be so much fun!

Awesome!! Bunnies can be so smart.
I've only had Rascal for a few weeks, and he's learning really fast.

So far he knows to come to his name, spin, up, and we're working on "paw".

He mostly responds to hand gestures with the command, but yesterday I tried saying "spin" without a gesture, and he did it! Seems like it will just take time and consistency for the tricks to be ingrained. I have two or three short (~5 minutes) training sessions with him per day.

He's better now than he was in the video, it only takes one command and he does it right away. I think the training has been really good for getting him to trust me.
MarisaAndToby wrote:
Here's a video of Toby's 4ish tricks. He turns, puts his two paws up on my arm, hops on my leg, and stands up. His tricks are very much gesture based though.

Oooo! I never thought of gestures vs. vocal training! I think I want to try giving him some gesture based ones.. I LOVE the one where he hops on your leg! I'm in the middle of training Tofu to do "Paw" but it's so difficult.. still building that trust with him. Thanks for sharing your vid! Really inspiring. I was having trouble deciding what to teach him next.

qtipthebun wrote:
How did you train him to spin??? Q-tip will "up up", but how did you get him to spin on command???

I would only have him turn in one direction, every time. Start with a treat, and lead him in a full circle while repeating "spin". Try to say the word in the same way everytime, and if you do it often enough, all you have to do is say "spin" and he'll spin automatically. :biggrin2:

ZRabbits wrote:
Thanks so much for sharing!
Bunnies can be so much fun! 
They totally areeee! Thanks for watching. I really miss him, and can't wait to see him more regularly when school is over. *sigh*

BugLady wrote:
I've only had Rascal for a few weeks, and he's learning really fast.
So far he knows to come to his name, spin, up, and we're working on "paw".
Rascal is adorable!!! I'm working on Paw with Tofu too.. he forgets it really easily. Thanks for sharing your video! :) I loved it.

mrbunny wrote:
Love your "Nom nom nom" video!!!!
Hahahha thanks! :D I feel less of a dork. I was starting to feel like I was the only one amused by it. :biggrin2:
Yeah Rascal is really hit-or-miss with "paw", but I've been working on "kiss kiss!" lately, getting him to touch my nose with his.

So far it's tough to tell if he really gets it, or if he is just sniffing me because he does it all the time. I started with touching a raisin to my nose and holding it there for him to investigate. We've had about 5 sessions which have included the "kiss" command.

Here's another video!
How neat is that! After watching your Tofu doing the spin trick, I've decided to teach it to Harvey too. He's getting the hang of it, he just gets way excited when his craisens are out so it's hard for him to focus haha. But I figure if he taught himself how to open a container, he'll get this eventually.
Hmmm don't think he's focused enough for Up since he already stands up when he begs haha. And he's always climbing all over me when treats are involved haha.