Well-Known Member
Yay! I have another show tommorrow and thenaonther in two weeks. I show purebred Mini Lops, and I havebeen showing since I was five, and had bunnies since I was 2.Mind you I'm 16 now so that's a long time. I have Mini's onlyexcept for one exception, a Red New Zealand and she was awesome. Theshow I'm going to is an ARBA sanctioned show andis one out ofseveral that I will be attending this year. PlusIget to see my aunt, a registar, and my uncle, a judge I havent seenthemin so long. I hope Kimmy doeswelltommorrow, I'll make sure to take some pics to show you all.Wishme luck, as there are over 1000 bunnies and almost halfare youth!