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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2005
Reaction score
Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA
Yay! I have another show tommorrow and thenaonther in two weeks. I show purebred Mini Lops, and I havebeen showing since I was five, and had bunnies since I was 2.Mind you I'm 16 now so that's a long time. I have Mini's onlyexcept for one exception, a Red New Zealand and she was awesome. Theshow I'm going to is an ARBA sanctioned show andis one out ofseveral that I will be attending this year. PlusIget to see my aunt, a registar, and my uncle, a judge I havent seenthemin so long. I hope Kimmy doeswelltommorrow, I'll make sure to take some pics to show you all.Wishme luck, as there are over 1000 bunnies and almost halfare youth!
I judged yesterday (Saturday) in Olean, NY. I had a really good time (despite being sick and very hoarse.)

Amanda -- There were a slew of Dwarf Hotots at the show (and I got to judge them;)).

I also judged all the Angoras (English, French, Giant and Satin), Californians, Dutch, Enlgish Lop, Havanas andPolish.

I judged the open Best In Show and chose a stunning black French Angora and a New Zealand White for Reserve In Show.

pamnock wrote:
Ijudged yesterday (Saturday) in Olean, NY. I had a really goodtime (despite being sick and very hoarse.)

Amanda -- There were a slew of Dwarf Hotots at the show (and I got to judge them;)).

I also judged all the Angoras (English, French, Giant and Satin), Californians, Dutch, Enlgish Lop, Havanas andPolish.

I judged the open Best In Show and chose a stunning black French Angora and a New Zealand White for Reserve In Show.


Well today, it was guess who! LOL! Just 2 exhibitors, Christina and me.John was supposed to show up but didn't LOL! Christina waswanting to get his phone number and grumble at him while we were at theshow! However, there were LOADS of request for Dwarf Hototsbut neither of us had any to sell. :?
The judge we had today was getting a laugh out of the Dwarf Hotots! Iwrote for Britanna Petites right after DH's. It's sad whentheBP's are a bit calmer then the DH's! LOL! Theyso need to make it a rule concerningthe show table. DwarfHotots sooo don't belong on a table with open holes. Christina and Ijust put the SR Bucks anywhere on the table and ended up paying for it!Those bucks were EVERYWHERE! With those things 4 hands just doesn't cutit! The does were all grouchy, so it was an intresting day with themLOL!

Looks like you had quite a variety of breeds to judge yesterday.:DI love it when I see ya judge DH's. :DSo manyjudges spend so much time looking at the eyebands and forget about typeor pose them like NDs or Rex.:?

I bet it makes your day to judge Best in Show and Reserve in Showbecause you make another person's day. I like hanging around just tosee Best 4 class, Best 6 Class and Best in Show just so I can see thehappy smiles and every so often 'squeals' :p

All this rabbit talk reminds me that I have to go 'please' of some does and stick in nestboxes. :p

Dwarf_Angel04 wrote:

I bet it makes your day to judge Best in Show and Reserve in Showbecause you make another person's day. I like hanging around just tosee Best 4 class, Best 6 Class and Best in Show just so I can see thehappy smiles and every so often 'squeals' :p

It is very exciting :) It was her 1st BIS and my first timechoosing an angora for a top award. (They didn't have 4 or 6 -- justBIS and Reserve).

I got a call from the Angora club today about doing a specialty in NewYork -- apparently they were satisfied with my Angora judging yesterday(despite the fact I was losing my voice).:)

pamnock wrote:
Itis very exciting :) It was her 1st BIS and my first timechoosing an angora for a top award. (They didn't have 4 or 6 -- justBIS and Reserve).

I got a call from the Angora club today about doing a specialty in NewYork -- apparently they were satisfied with my Angora judging yesterday(despite the fact I was losing my voice).:)

WOW!Thats an honor, especially since you are still a 'new' judge!
DownEastFarMiniLops wrote:
I just came back from the show, Kimmy my doe got Best ofBreed and my Buck Butterscotch got BOS. I also got a new doe, so I'mreally happy.
Congratulations!!! :D
I was waiting to hear your results before I said anything about my results. :)
I also got a Best of Breed today with a homegrown Dwarf Hotot. Iactually pulled out my 'second string' of does today since my regularshow does have nesboxes in with them now. ;)
Dwarf_Angel04 wrote:

WOW!Thats an honor, especially since you are still a 'new' judge!

I was thrilled that they called -- the bad news is that I'm booked theweekend of their show for the next 2 years, so there's no chance of megetting to judge their Angora specialty until 2008. :( I wasalso one of the judges nominated to do Angora ARBA nationals, but Iturned down the nomination.

pamnock wrote:
Congrats you guys!!!!!

Thanks :D
Are ya'll gonna be in Columbus the end of this month, beginning ofnext? If so, do ya think your kids will be showing?I'm tryingto decide between two shows as I can't really make both. :?Iftheres more people to show with for DH's in Columbus, I might end upgoing there. :p
pamnock wrote:
Iwas thrilled that they called -- the bad news is that I'm booked theweekend of their show for the next 2 years, so there's no chance of megetting to judge their Angora specialty until 2008. :( I wasalso one of the judges nominated to do Angora ARBA nationals, but Iturned down the nomination.

Awww.. thats a bummer especially if you wanted to do the Angora specialty. :?
As far as Angora ARBA Nationals, ya gotta go the direction your heart tells ya. ;)
Dwarf_Angel04 wrote:

Thanks :D
Are ya'll gonna be in Columbus the end of this month, beginning ofnext? If so, do ya think your kids will be showing?I'm tryingto decide between two shows as I can't really make both. :?Iftheres more people to show with for DH's in Columbus, I might end upgoing there. :p

We won't be bringing any DH and maybe just 4 Hollands.Basically just going to mingle :)

pamnock wrote:
Wewon't be bringing any DH and maybe just 4Hollands.Basically just going to mingle :)

Okay :D
I justlove to just mingle and write LOL! :D
Hay I was happy, I wrote for a 'new' breed for me today! Britannia Petites, I've never written for them before. :p