A little deeper into what happens when the rabbit is placed in the hole on the table... depending on if it's a 4 class or 6 class breed (larger breeds are shown in a Senior, Intermediate which is also called a "6/8" class, and Junior class, and I believe the American Chin is a 6 class breed) it will go in the previously written order. Senior bucks, Senior does, and so on. The judge will pick the best senior buck, then pick the best senior doe, and so on... .then the winners from each age and sex group will have won their "class". These winners go on to compete for Best of Breed (which you will see abbreviated as BOB) and Best Opposite Sex (abbreviated as BOS). If the winning rabbit in the breed is a buck, a doe will be named Best Opposite Sex and vice versa. Only best of breed will go on to the Best in Show, BUT you can get points and "legs" (a winning) for Best Opposite Sex as well (as long as there are enough exhibitors and rabbits). Hope this helps!