Should we or shouldn't we

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
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Ajax, Ontario, Canada
My husband & I have 3 Bunnies Buttercupis almost 7 years old, Wilbur & Jackie are about ayear & a half old. Wilbur & Jackie roomtogether, (in their ownbedroom)they are Buddies, BCis ususally with us, he's mostly in the Family room except for nitetime he goes into his cage,they don't get along.

My girlfriend told me about this really cute bunny at the pet store, sowe went to see it. They say it's a Netherland Dwarf, it'sreally cute. We looked at each other and said should we getit. Well we didn't yet. I'm just wondering if it'sa good idea as it would have to be in a cage most of thetime. The other three have free raine in their separaterooms. We don't have an extra room to put it inifwe were to get this new one.

Help what does eveyone think.


What are yourotherbunnies(breeds)? Why couldn't the new bunny bond with the two thatare together? That would be possible - I'veseengroups of five bunnies bondedtogether atrescuewebsites.

I have two Netherland dwarfs...and they are adorable. Theyare fast and they aren't "people-bunnies" like my new lionheads and myflemish. I was telling folks today that I don't ever seemyself without a flemish or a lionhead...but I don't know that I wouldget another dwarf again unless it was REALLY socialized before I gotit...and even then, I think I'd prefer to get it from a breeder.

I'm not trying to discourage you. I love our Netherlands -and I bought them because they were cute. I just didn'tunderstand their personality before I bought them.

Hi Sooska

I used to live in Ajax, was born there. What store is it thatyou saw the bunnies. So weird to see someone online from myhometown!

Peg, our Buttercup is a Netherland Dwarfand isthe cutest bunny anyone would ever want. He's so loveable andloves people. He jumps up on the couch with my husband andlays down with him giving him kisses for long periods.

Now the other two Mini Lop earedwon'tletusnear them. If werelucky and catch them offguard they maylet us holdthem for a minute or so. Jackies the worst. Everynow & then I can give her a pet without her runningaway. However they are the cutest Bunnies and they reallylove each other which is really important.


I would probably go to the pet store in the PTCthey are more knowledgable about their animals thanpetcetera. There is a woman who works there her name iscatherine she knows her business, she was very helpful.


When I started out with Tucker, he was 8 weeks old when he came to me.He was very close to me in the sense of hanging out next to me andkisses, etc. He's a Polish.

A few years later, I adopted Fauna (Holland Lop), and it did take sometime to bond them, but it worked. They don't live together in the samecage because Fauna will boss Tucker around too much, but they can comeout for free time together. Tucker doesn't care much about me anymorenow that he has Fauna to pal around with.

Then I got Cali this past fall and I can't let all three out togetherbecause Tucker will try to attack her. (She's a Flemish). I've gottenused to having to stagger their time out together, but I do feel badlywhen one is out and the other(s) are locked up.

They all need their exercise and their time to kick up their feet, I believe, in order to be really happy. Just my opinion.

Won't agirl would stand a good chance of getting along with a neutered boy?

Oneproblem would be properly sexing the new dwarf.Even if they tell you she's a she, she may turn out tobe ahe, then you're in trouble.

Can you split the room in half with baby gates or cube caging?

As for the dwarf personality, my little girl, who originally came froma Petcetera (and made a few other stops beforecoming myway),is REALLYa people bunny. When Ifirst got her, I took her to a crowded, noisy party (no choice), andended up letting her loose (staying close behind to keep her out oftrouble and making sure she didn't get stepped on), and there wasn't ashy bone in her little body.

She's now nine months old andsticks to me like glue withlicks and kisses at almost every opportunity. (But she'spolite about it). She's extremely territorial,however. It lessened when I got her fixed, but heaven helpthe cat if I dare to pet the poor thing in Pipp's presence, or if akitty is brave (or desperate) enough to come in my room (where shelives).

She's also veryum... active. I can'timagine hercaged. I did a lot ofbunny-proofing, and she's only perfectly litter trained when she's inher own domain (my room). She initially had run of the house,but ended up with better litter habits, and generally happier and moresecure, when she was restricted to the one room. She stillcan run around the whole house a few times a day when I have to havethe door open, but she's only territorial about my room, and shedoesn't always leave. She'll sit by the door, 'standingguard' as it were.

All in all, she's an awesome little bunny! I'm SO glad I got her.

Good luck with your decision. (I vote 'should!')


I think i would say that if you have any doubtsabout being able to provide her with everything that sheneedsi would probably wait till i had more room.

I know how hard it is to say no to these things (i have to leave mypurse in the car when we're in pet shops) but its whats best for thebun that u need to consider.
black_jack wrote:
I think i would say that if you have any doubts about beingable to provide her with everything that she needsi wouldprobably wait till i had more room.

I know how hard it is to say no to these things (i have to leave mypurse in the car when we're in pet shops) but its whats best for thebun that u need to consider.
Very wise words in my estimation. The more rabbits you have,the less time you have for them individually. We have six andoften feel badly because we cannot spend the time with each individualrabbit that we believe it deserves.
