Should it just be hay?

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Aug 24, 2009
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
I have a dwarf bunny, Ellie, and we got her some rabbit food to go along with her timothy hay, but the hay is all she seems to be eating. I've been thinking that maybe it is too big for her, since she is only as big as my hand, but she just sniffs it and hops away. She weighs less than a pound, maybe 8 oz. Maybe I'm just paranoid. I did read, though, that they eat mostly, and sometimes exclusively, timothy hay. I just want my new baby to be happy and healthy :)
What kind of pellets are you feeding? I know when I got Little Bunny she weighed 1lb and she didn't have any problem eating pellets so I don't think that is the issue. Maybe she doesn't like the feed you have. Do you know what she was eating before you got her? She may prefer that kind.
How old is your bun? How long have you had her? If you got her recently, do you know what pellet food was she eating before she came to you?

The fact she is eating hay is excellent, but it would be better to add some pellets to her diet if possible.

How long did you leave the pellets before assessing she hadn't eaten any?
At her age, she should be having some alfalfa pellets and alfalfa hay in addition to the Timothy hay. It's best to give her what she had before you got her, if at all possible, and gradually switch from the old pellet to a new one (over 2 weeks). She needs the protein and calcium of alfalfa pellets and hay. Based on her size, I'm assuming she's still quite young, because not even an adult dwarf would weigh just 8 oz.

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