Well-Known Member

Since Ember miscarried her litter (or never took in the first place) I gave the girls their myxo shots and will have to wait about two weeks before I can breed them.
Since it was confirmed that Ember was not having a litter I put them in the same hutch (knowing they'd get on) and they are inseparable.
I raised the topic before but thought it may be something I'd do in the future but now I am seriously considering letting them have their litter in the same hutch. I am aware of the pros and cons but still haven't made up my mind. I am leaning towards not taking the risk as I went all the way over to England to get them and if something goes wrong I will not be able to replace them for a very long time.
Has anyone had experience with nethies in particular. Could I at least leave them together for part of the pregnancy? Any opinions would be appreciated.