Should I look into a new bunny?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2010
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Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

I stopped by the petshop last night where I had gotten Peaches around Easter. The place had a fire so they just re-opened. I was looking for a litter/dig box for Peaches and as I bent down, I saw 6 little black lionhead bunnies - Awww so cute. I would have liked another bunny to keep Peaches company. The woman who owns the pet shop is the bunny breeder and she knows her stuff. However when we got Peaches I was told by the employee who was there, that Peaches was a girl (hence the name) - by the time the testicles made their appearance, the name stuck. I'd like another bunny to keep him company and so he could play with but the thought of getting the sexes messed up and ending up with a girl (and an expensive neuter) has got me thinking. So I checked out the local shelter and they have a spayed female lionhead (like Peaches but in black). She's almost 3 years old and Peaches is only 9 months and fixed (would they get along?) How can I know? Peaches has a pretty large cage and he could share it (his cage is 2 cubes wide x 4 cubes long x 3 cubes high) - he has a few levels. The new bunny would have to be in the small petshop cage until they bond - if they bond. If Peaches is okay with the new girl at the shelter, would it almost guarantee that he'd bond with her at home? Wouldn't he be too terrified of the new environment to snuggle up to another bunny?

I find it sad that Peaches is alone most of the day, however, when he comes out he binkies & flops like crazy. (He doesn't like the slick floors of our home so when he comes out, he pretty much stays in a 15x15 area where the flooring is blankets & foam pieces. The shelter is pretty far from our place so I'd hate to waste a trip and I don't want to make another bunny miserable by her being alone (and in the small cage for long periods of time. Should I never mind? How can I know if the bunny would be sociable? Temperment?
The age of the rabbits does not matter. Korr has bonded with girls who are older than him (Sophie) and younger (Penelope and Amelia). He is currenlty with Amelia who is 10 months and he is 5 years old.

There is no guarantee that they will get along. Even if they do well at the shelter, he could act differently at home. Them getting along at first is a good idea, but it still means work for them to get along on a long term basis. Generally, if they ignore each other or have positive interaction (grooming, being near each other), it is a good sign. If they are chasing and humping, it can work out once they establish who is the boss. If they are fighting or one won't leave the other alone, then it probably won't work out without a lot of work and time.

There really isn't a way to know if he will get along with other rabbits until you try. If you have a friend who has a rabbit, you can see how he does with that.

If you really want to get Peaches a friend, you should let him choose the rabbit. You may like the lionhead, but he may like another rabbit. You should be getting the rabbit for him, not for you. If you go to the shelter and he doesn't like that rabbit, try some other ones. Also be open to a male as they can get along.
Letting him meet the girl at the shelter would be perfect! Getting a baby is a crap shoot - you'll never know if they'll get along, but if you go with a shelter bunny, you can introduce them and the experienced people at the shelter can tell you if they think there's a good chance of bonding.

Also, the age and breed don't matter. Otto was a year old when we got Hannah, who was 3. Hannah is actually much more active and acts younger than him, despite being older. Personality is much more important than age after they're fixed and passed the teenage phase.
ive heard that bringing a NEW already spayed FEMALE home to a male is alot easier to bond...prob cuz she doesnt have territorial issues yet...and males accept females into their home easier then the other way around....but im just tellin u what ive researched ..not something i know first hand...good luck..!

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