should i get Piksi a companion??

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Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2009
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Los Angeles, California, USA
this has been in my mind for a while now! but i am not so sure if i should get Piksi a companion. i feel like she is lonely even though i give her attention i feel like she would be more happy with an other bunny.

so my question is what are the good and bad? i know that it can take a very long time to bond two rabbits. im just not sure if it is the best thing to do

is it a lot of work having two rather than one?

do you think your buns are happier with an other bun? or alone?

Piksis cage is 28" L and 28" H all around and it has two levels. will i have to make the cage bigger?

if i do adopt him it willl be from a shelter so he will all ready be neutered which is a plus.

by the way right now she is about 4 months old so she hasnt gone through puberty yet. should i wait untillshe has gone through it or does it make no difference?

If you do decide to get her a friend, you should wait until she is spayed and healed form the surgery before you introduce them. Hormones can make is hard to bond them and if they get along before she is spayed, they may not get along after. Some shelters don't fix the buns until you adopt, so you may have to deal with a post surgery bunny.

The cage would need to be bigger. It should be longer, but you can keep the levels. I would do at least 3ft long, but if the other rabbit is bigger than Piksi the cage would need to be bigger too.

I love having bonded bunnies. They keep each other company and its cute to watch them interact. The sleep together and sometimes use each other as pillows.
You do have to monitor food intake and poops a bit more and you should check for scabs or other marks that could be from fighting or over grooming.

The shelter/rescue that you go to might allow you to bring Piksi for a bunny date. The buns would be able to interact (supervised of course) and you can choose a bunny based on who she likes.
yeah you are right i should wait until i get her spayed. i wouldnt want them to bond at first and then get Piksi spayed and they wil hate one another

thank you so much you were a big big help! :biggrin2:you answered all of my questions. iwant to be well informed before i adopt a new bun so that im sure this is what i want to do and what to expect...
That's definitely the best thing to do, wait until she is spayed and healed.

You can then take her on bunny dates to a rescue to allow her to find the right friend for her, which should make the bonding easier.

You will DEFINITELY need a bigger cage. Ideally she needs a bigger cage for herself, but you will need to find a creative way to make it bigger for the pair of them (it might just be that attaching a pen on the front of it works).

You will also need somewhere to house the other bun separately from her while they go through the bonding process.

I would suggest reading anything and everything you can on bonding (there are links in the library, also use the search function on the forum) to give yourself a good awareness before deciding to do anything. And any questions, just ask :)
Before we bonded her with Fiver, Clover lived on her own, she seemed to bond to us more then the other rabbits we own that are in pairs and became more needy of our attention and didn't like it when we had to leave her, now that she's bonded with Fiver she has become less needy and seems to be happier in herself instead of moping about all the time, so with Clover I guess bonding her was a good thing.
I wouldn't say it is harder looking after 2 buns any more than one (apart from the extra poop lol!).
The cage will more than likely need to be made bigger, ours live outside in 5ft wide 3 tiered hutches, i'm not sure how big to allow for a indoor cage, maybe someone else could help with that.
With Fiver and Clover they bonded pretty quickly even with a year difference in age! Though I've known that sometimes it can take a while for some bunnies to bond but, in the end I think it's worth it!
I would wait til she is spayed :)
we had our little female Lacie as a single for a little while and thought she was super happy with just us! We were with her atleast a few hours every day and let her explore outside, all around the house ect.
But when we adopted Reese on cute impulse haha and they bonded almost right away, we couldnt have been happier!
Lacie relies on us a little less now but they are both amazing and still loves pets and cuddles!
One of the best things ever is walking into their room and seeing them all cuddled up.. seeing bonded bunnies is like a little ray of sunshine! haha
They dont take extra work at all, just more monitoring making sure there is always food, water ect :)
I would wait til she is spayed :)
we had our little female Lacie as a single for a little while and thought she was super happy with just us! We were with her atleast a few hours every day and let her explore outside, all around the house ect.
But when we adopted Reese on cute impulse haha and they bonded almost right away, we couldnt have been happier!
Lacie relies on us a little less now but they are both amazing and still loves pets and cuddles!
One of the best things ever is walking into their room and seeing them all cuddled up.. seeing bonded bunnies is like a little ray of sunshine! haha
They dont take extra work at all, just more monitoring making sure there is always food, water ect :)
awww! thats it i am for sure going to get piksi a lil friend! i want to walk in and see thm all cuddled up together aww cuteness overload hehe
i just have to wait untill i get her spayed yay cant wait
well i have to admit i am kinda scared to get her spayed but it is for the best

Having somebun you loved spayed IS scared but is normally worth the stress when you know they are healthier, can have a friend, may even behave better, etc.

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