Should I breed?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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Central, Washington, USA
I have a few buns, and 2 more on the way, that I would like to breed as a hobby. I used to raise rabbits when I was younger, but am hoping to get more seriously into breeding. As of now, none of my buns have pedigrees, but I know at least 3 are purebred. Here are photos of them, and their age/sex. Yes, I know some are too young to breed, I am willing to wait, but I want to have everything set up before hand. I also have a home for a black and white bunny, and possibly a 'feeder home' (as much as I hate to do it) for a few bunnies if it really comes to that.

First off there is Bugz. About 4 months old. Male. Mini Rex. When I took photos, he was quite nervous, so I have a photo of the actual him, and a photo of what he would look like if he was being a typical bunbun and standing up for me. I love his otter markings, and his incredibly soft fur.


Next up is my other Mini Rex, Night Magic. About 3 months. Male. From a breeder. I didn't pay to get his pedigree, but I'm debating on getting it now. Pure black.

My other purebred is Skype. About 3 months. Mini Lop. Chinchilla color. Have the choice to get her pedigree as well. Think I should?

These two are my mutt sisters. The mainly white one is Miss Priss, and the other is Sparkles. I love Sparkles coloring, and she has a great personality!


The two I am getting from a breeder (not sure if she's on here... haven't seen her) seem to have great backgrounds, and wonderful coats. Their family histories have legs and very promising bloodlines. Most (if not all) of her breeders have legs. I would say she is more into showing her rabbits, rather than breeding, but I am very excited to be getting two very adorable rabbits from her.

I am in the midst of setting up my cages and things of that nature, before I try to get really serious about breeding for pedigrees and possibly showing. I was just curious if there were any two particular rabbits that I have, that would be better of being bred, rather than another two. Of course, Miss Priss and Sparkles will be mainly just pet bunnies since I have no real clue of their backgrounds. :)
Breeding 2 good legs rabbits together can always throw junk babies. You always gotta check their body type,ect. It doesnt matter if the parents were good. Check any DQs.

I have seen breeders charge $5 extra for pedigree's.
Here are a few websites for you.. I hope they help


A breeder will advise you and you know their stock is good. But should you pick up a Rex in a pet shop. you should run your hand over the back from the tail to the neck to check for density and softness. The coat should remain upright and not fall flat once your hand has passed. There shouldn't be any bare spots such as on the ears or at the nape of the neck or the root of the ears. Nor should there be bald patches or sores on the pads of the feet. The hindquarters should be well rounded and not too square. The head should not be sheep shaped or a narrow wedge, nor bull-nosed like a Netherland Dwarf if a Mini Rex. The coat should not be woolly, wavy or harsh. The rabbit should not be overweight (folds of flesh, heavy dewlap), have crooked legs, odd coloured eyes or putty nose (that is have flesh coloured markings on the nose or very little hair there). Even if it's just going to be a pet, you want a nice specimen, especially given what pet shops charge.
yup for my lionheads i do 25.00 pet price and 30.00 with pedigree, unless its a really awsome baby i might sell them for more.
You should deffently show Bugs and see how he goes, his fur looks good.

I wouldn't breed the mix breeds, or the mini lop with the Rex, you should find a purebred pedigree mini lop buck to breed with your mini lop or borrow a buck from a breeder.
It's a good idea to buy there pedigrees too :)
iluvdutchrabbbits90 wrote:
mistyjr wrote: I charge $5 for my pets with no pedigrees or Free,
wow you can't find a lionhead around here for 5 even with no ped. 20 MAYBE lol unless it's a mix.
I charge $20 - $50 depending on quality. I give pedigrees to buyers for free but not for pet rabbits, i also tattoo for free and charge $10 for vaccinations (i get 10 rabbits vaccinated at a time so will only cost what the bottle is wroth, $50)
If they're buying pet quality why would they need a pedigree??They would only need a birth certificate. The breeder should supply the pedigree free of charge if it is brood or show stock, not charge extra. That's my opinion
Did the breeder specify if these guys would be show worthy?
If they were sold as pets, they might have DQs or faults that wouldn't be good to pass on. Perhaps you could contact the breeder you get them from, and ask?

I was told that Bugz would possibly be show quality, but he has no pedigree available, since he's supposed to be a pet, and I got him for free. (I wasn't expecting such a gorgeous bunny! I think I lucked out, a ton.)

As for Night Magic and Skype, I will ask the breeder what she thinks. I know she was planning on selling them to me as pets, but that's because I've been waiting a while for two buns that I really wanted, and asked for specific breeds and colors. (The black Mini Rex was the only male rex she has, so I decided to take him, but the female Lop was something I picked out personally.) She is out of the area, and they won't be ready to leave the nest for another week or so, so I haven't seen them yet, but from all the photos, and looking at their parents, they seem to have very strong bloodlines.

I am paying $60 for both of them, if I choose to get the pedigree, and if I have the money, I definitely will be. I do hope to get purebred mates for both the Lop and the Mini Rexs, but am keeping my eyes out for a good combination. In your opinions, what colors should I be looking for to match my otter Mini Rex, chinchilla Holland Lop, and black Mini Rex?

If I did decide to breed my otter and chinchilla, should I expect healthy kits overall? I know they wouldn't be show quality or even be able to get pedigrees, even if I had pedigrees for both parents. But overall, would I be able to expect healthy kits, even though the breed difference? I know they should be only a few pounds apart when fully grown.
I would familiarize yourself with the breeds. I think if you are thinking about breeding you should be an exhibitor of that breed first. Its only doing whats right for your breed. Learn the desired traits, DQ's, and how to properly pose. That would be a big help to us who would like to help you evaluate your stock. You can order the new Standards of Perfection book from this website. This will tell you a good chunk of information first.

As far as the otter and chin from what im told in Britannias is to go for an agouti marked rabbit (these are usually rabbits that have rings in the fur-also noted by the ticking of black hairs)

Alot of people are against mixing breeds. But breeding two different breeds (such as your minilop and rex) would be an ok pair and should produce healthy kits. But neither of your rabbits are ready to breed so you have some time to find a pair for them of the same breed. Good luck keep us posted
Okay, I just got a black otter. Best bet is to breed him back to a black otter and possibly a blue otter. Or you can pair him with a black. The black mini rex you can pair with blue(dilute of black) or another black mini rex. Miss Tammy also told me I could breed tort into black and my reds. Your chinchilla ....stick with the agouti group, or you can outcross to any other group if you know what you're doing. Hollands are tricky
But dont breed a tort or shaded to an agouti rabbit. It will not produce good colored babies and will be of no use but pets. That goes for rabbits that have shaded or agouti in their background too. If it has shaded in the background breed with shaded. Same for agouti

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