should i add a new member to my family?

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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2005
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Hertfordshire, , United Kingdom
i have been working at the blue cross, a charitywhich rehomes unwanted pets, this week. i have fallen in lovewith a lion head x, male, 1yr and 4 month old rabbit.

they want him to live with females which i have! but im not sure if i should get him or not!

dandy and dasiy my 2 rabbits dont get along. dandy wants to makesfriends with daisy but daisy rely dosent like her and any time she geta chance will have a fight with her.

As Dandy is always trying to make friends with Daisy i am wonderingweather she would likea friend of her own, a nice one whcihwotn try to kill her at any possiable chance!!

what do you think?
Could you bring Dandy to the rescue and have hermeet the bunny? You'll be able to get a decent idea of howthey interact, and you'll at least be able to see if they hate eachother or want to fight a lot.

If you have the time and space for three single rabbits, I'd say goahead. Or at least 3 rabbits temporarily if Dandy and the newboy are in love at first sight during their date.

I'm assuming everybody's spayed/neutered?
I know you really want to.;)

When I took BunBun to meet Angel in Indiana, they were fine, theyignored each other. When I tried to get them together at homeafter neutral territory time (which they were fine) Angel stared allthe fights so I wasn't able to bond them. Just something foryou to consider, sometimes you never know.
yer i realy do want this other rabbit!

i think i will be able to take Dandy to the blue cross so they can meeton neutral teritory and if they get on then they can live together!

unfortunalty i dont think i can have 3 single rabbits all the time i could for a short time until everyone settled in!

My 2 girls are both spayed and i think the blue cross neuter everyone and if hes not then i will get it done!

My own real problems i have is getting permisson from my mum to let metry and get the new boy and im just hoping that they will get on ok!

i havnt actually told you much about the possiable new member so...

He is called Treacle.

He is a lion head.

He is 1 yr and 4 months old.

On the blue cross website he is described as very friendly, likes to bestroked and cuddled, would live with female, neutered rabbit, ok tolive with children.

And here he is....


my mum is still sayin no to getting anohterbunny but mabe if i had more info on bonding new rabits together shemite think about it more and change her mind.

does any1 hav and suggestions or no somewhere i can get info?

He's looks gorgeous! I hope your mum lets youget him, I know what it's like, my parents won't let me get anotherrabbit, right now I'm trying to convince my mum to let me get a budgiebut it's not really working.:(

Michaela wrote:
He's looks gorgeous! I hope your mum lets you get him, Iknow what it's like, my parents won't let me get another rabbit, rightnow I'm trying to convince my mum to let me get a budgie but it's notreally working.:(

lol i used to have a budgie!