Should he have a friend?

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Aug 24, 2007
Reaction score
Freeport, Michigan, USA
My pet store owner told me if I wanted my bunny to be my pet and to stay close to me, I should not get another bun. Is this true? I have always been in a habit of keeping at least two cats, dogs,and so on,so they would have an equal friend. I am new to bunnies, so any info would be great. Thanks :wave2
Generally, rabbits are happier with another rabbit. But some arent interested.

First you would have Thumpy neutered though.

Your best bet would to have him neutered, then take him to a shelter and let him have some 'dates' with some spayed females, that way you can see if he is interested, and which one he likes.

I was very very close with Phinn before I got Cleo, and I was also scared that he wouldnt like me as much, but that isnt the case at all! I still have my little one on one time with him, and he still loves me alot!

Good luck!
Actually when we got Teacup a freind she got closer to me! Of corse she loves kali, but I'm still her big human sister! :p

Normaly most rabbits like to have a compainoy (I know I spelled this wrong). But it really depends on your rabbit. Mabey see if you can set up a bunny date at the petstore to see if your rabbit will get along with this rabbit you want to get. (That is if your looking for anouther bun)


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